378 adjectives to describe presences

It is true what poets have said again and again, that there are women whose mere presence, whose mere look, drives all bad thoughts awaywomen before whom men dare no more speak, or act, nay, even think, basely, than they would dare before the angels of God.

A fine poet has no need of the actual presence of men and women under the fluctuating impatience of emotion, or under the steadfast hopelessness of grief; he needs no setting sun before his window, under it no sullen sea.

They were jolly, but uncultivated men, given to rudeness and profanity of speech when out of our immediate presence, and by themselves, and we heard from them, while they were splashing and struggling in the water, expressions somewhat inelegant as well as profane.

" The philosopher forsook the royal presence with celerity, and his office of chief examiner of court spikenard was bestowed upon another; as also his house and his garden, his gold and his silver, his wives and his concubines, his camels and his asses, which were numerous.

Some howled, some laughed, and only Bibbs had sufficient presence of mind to creep under the sink, which afforded a certain amount of shelter from the falling flood.

The Spirit whom he sent to comfort his people when he took his bodily presence from the earth.

The safeguard against such attacks was the constant presence of forces from the Grand Fleet in the North Sea.

I believe Major Montagu Cooke, one of the officers of the 302nd Artillery Brigade, was the first officer actually in the town, and I understand that whilst he and his orderly were in the Post Office a substantial body of Turks turned the corner outside the building and passed down the Jericho road quite unconscious of the near presence of a British officer.

The meeting for worship was a remarkable time; the pure spring of gospel ministry seemed to flow, as from vessel to vessel, until it rose into such dominion as to declare the gracious presence of Him who is ever worthy to be honored and adored for thus condescending to own us on such important occasions.

To feel my hand in another man's hand was much, but to be led into that awful presence, by awful ways, which none knewhow could I bear it?

The Infidel argues, that these are not conceivable of a man distinctly conscious of a prior and supernatural inspiration, accompanied with supernatural manifestations of the divine presence.

A handsome presence and a Tartarin de Tarascon disposition assured his success from the start.

In the silence and loneliness and darkness, in all around him, and far across the dry, whispering fields, there was an invisible presence that had its affinity in him, hovered over him shadowless and immense, and waved in the bursting wheat.

It was he, his unexpected presence, all that he had not yet said, all the adventurous romance which he surely personated, that fanned the growing fever, the excitement of the family, intoxicated by that open-air gala.

But the wild loneliness, the continual presence of my beloved, yes, even the hardships of our wandering life, increased the force of my longing.

The abstracted media of dreams seem no ill introduction to that spiritual presence, upon which, in no long time, we expect to be thrown.

He looked regretfully at the green slopes about him; the lofty, impassive cliffs where Peace seemed to perch, a visible presence; the great sweeps of free forest; then at Uncle Pros and Johnnie.

Organ, Jubilee, Public Garden, Big Drum, Commonall, all of these will then have to subside and fade away into thin air before the stately presence of the Prince of Erie and his valiant command.

Again, there were desperate plunges into wayside underbrush or down steep ravines, whence I would hear rapid splashing through a hidden stream and short, plaintive cries to tell that that wonderful, unseen wood-presence of a thousand provoking scents had once more cunningly evaded him.

The Bishop of Bath and Wells, his ambassador, then in the Alps, was able to bring Hugh home with him, though the loss of that "most sweet presence," as the Prior declared, widowed his house; and Hugh came to England and to Witham and was received as "an angel of the Lord."

Dalton fell short of himself; for, though his head stooped to none, unless conventionally, the sudden and unaccountable presence of the Duke of Rosecouleur annoyed and perplexed him.

I had to look up to meet his eyes, for he must have been an inch or two better than six feet in height, and of a most commanding presence.

The apparently mysterious presence of the little demigod in such an out-of-the-way place was easily explained.

Thy sacred presence is an inward light.

At distant intervals the shadow of some one entering softly through the door would obscure, for a moment, the band of light, and an aged crone, or a little boy, or some gentle presence that the listening confessor had known only by the voice for many years, would kneel a few moments beside his waiting ear, in prayer for blessing and in review of those slips and errors which prove us all akin.

378 adjectives to describe  presences