54 Metaphors for balls

The ball was the most brilliant of the Parisian season.

When a representative major league team is made up of players who represent every section in the Union, engaged for their skill, it seems as if Base Ball has become nearer an ideal and a national pastime than ever before in the history of the sport.

THE ANCIENT OF DAYS A child sits in a sunny place, Too happy for a smile, And plays through one long holiday With balls to roll and pile; A painted wind-mill by his side Runs like a merry tune, But the sails are the four great winds of heaven, And the balls are the sun and moon.

The Squash Racquets black ball is so much "deader" that the player usually has to go back first and then forward somewhat in order to be in the proper position to hit the ball as it rebounds off the back wall.

Let your base-ball be a pastime, not a trade; let it be your , not your .

If pork and beans is the device of the Puritans, the cod-fish ball is the invention of the devil.

Belgian illuminating balls and cylinders are canvas bags filled with certain compositions.

And then, when I began examining the paltry contents of his sack, he made light of my disappointment, saying that his father, who had served in the campaign of 1870, had always told him that a ball of strong string and a jackknife were sufficient baggage for any soldier.

The ball was last night at Soho; and, if possible, was more magnificent than the King of Denmark's.

The ball will be rather a toney affair.

It was extremely awkward, especially as the balls were hedgehogs, who sometimes rolled away without being hit.

By curling their long, slimy bodies around the eggs, a closely-packed ball is the result.

The ball was a brilliant success,

And that Charley High-ball there is just the blessedest angel that ever was!

One of these days it may be its province to report a series for the international championship, and then Base Ball will have become the universal game of the world, a place toward which it is rapidly tending.

A Ball is a great Help to Discourse, and a Birth-Day furnishes Conversation for a Twelve-month after.

The impressions showed this, the left heel being heavily marked, while the ball of the left foot was much fainter, as if the left ankle movement had been hampered by rheumatism or gout.

This declaration is ridiculed, because the ball at Court is almost the only ceremony that is observed there, and certainly the most formal, the princes of the blood dancing first, and everybody else being taken out according to their rank.

Balls and plays, routs and dinners were the only topics of conversation; and though some occasional rumours were spread that the French had made an incursion within the lines, and carried off a few head of cattle, the tales were too vague to excite the least alarm.

" To-day Base Ball, in its professional atmosphere, is nearer an ideal sport, a better managed sport, and a more fairly and equitably adjusted sport, than it ever has been, which is manifest proof of its superior evolution.

"They may talk about nines," said the Doctor, when base-ball was the subject under discussion.

THE BALL IS GENERALLY OPENED, that is, the first place in the first quadrille is occupied, by the lady of the house.

"A charity ball is a function where one set of women sit in the boxes and say nasty things about the women on the floor, and those on the floor say horrid things about the women in the boxes.

Perhaps the authorities went on the principle that a rifle is a rifle, and a ball is a ball, and therefore that it must be all right.

Mrs. Green's ball was the party of the season.

54 Metaphors for  balls