36 Words to use with operating

One room is cleared and arranged for an operating room, where bullets and pieces of shell are removed and amputations are made if necessary.

Radio operating questions and answers.

HORROR IN HOSPITAL SIGHTS "In one room a surgeon had a soldier on the operating table and was pulling pieces of shell from a huge hole in the inner side of one of his legs.

The operating-theatre is crowded; much talk and fun, and all the cordiality and stir of youth.

While early DOS computer users tended to understand a lot about how their computers stored information and launched programs, later operating systems such as Windows 95 put more barriers in place.

One-fourth of this had gone for promotion expenses, $2,350 for rental, fixtures, etc., leaving only $350 for operating expenses.

His movements were silentalmost stealthy; and, when he had seated himself, he picked up a newspaper from behind which I saw him steal furtive and suspicious glances at the patient in the operating chair.

After a more detailed examination of the big operating forces at present working in the world, we may be in a position to revise these suggestions with a greater confidence and draw our net of probabilities a little tighter.

Our chief operating surgeon says he thinks the opportunities at the School of Medicine in Paris are fully as good as in Vienna, and chances for individual diagnoses greater.

Whatever enterprise is started men experienced in that business should be consulted as to the location of the business, the stock and equipment needed, the operating capital necessary, etc. Preliminary organization should likewise be handled by a committee which might estimate the number of persons who would become members, the service each could contribute to the society, etc.

Commodity exchanges and futures trading: principles and operating methods.

Charters were to be refiled with the secretary of State; resident directories and operating headquarters were to be established within the boundaries and jurisdiction of the State; in short, the State proposed, by the terms of the new law, to deal only with creatures of its own creation.

In the very large courtyard a tent operating-hospital was established.

Everything that passed within the ken of that wonderful organism, whether a thing or combination of things seen, or an incident, or a trait revealing or suggesting character, was instantly reproduced, fixed, registered by it, the operating light being the wonderful native force of her intellect.

In experimental tests they performed their function successfully, and in some cases with considerable speed, but some of them required more than one line wire, some were too sensitive to disturbance by inductive currents and some developed other weaknesses which have prevented their incorporation in the actual operating machinery of to-day.

The greatest benefit of a shift in operating model appears to be the recollection that we are working with a mere model.

The number of male operating owners compared with all male workers (not merely with all farms) has remained almost constant at about 42 per cent; while the per cent of hired workers has decreased from 43.3 (in 1880) to 41.4 (in 1890) and to 34.6 (in 1900).

Despite these somewhat reassuring facts, the problem of maintaining and increasing operating ownership of farms in America is one deserving of the most earnest thought and efforts.

"The plain message that physical science has for the world at large is this, that were our political and social and moral devices only as well contrived to their ends as a linotype machine, an antiseptic operating-plant, or an electric tram-car, there need now, at the present moment, be no appreciable toil in the world, and only the smallest fraction of the pain, the fear, and the anxiety that now make human life so doubtful in its value.

An operating railroad company, therefore, has a monopoly at all points on its line not touched by other carriers.

But Delafield is also a good place to put on a demonstration, an actual, operating scheme.

Immediately there was a sharp clang, as some catch snicked in, and held it against the powerful operating spring.

In order to avoid making any holes in the rubber, the two attachments (one of the rubber band, and the other of the string) were made in this wise: the rubber was stretched over a button having an eye, then under the button was placed a smaller ring from an old umbrella; to this ring was attached the rubber band, and to the eye of the button was fastened the operating string.

ed by the greater marching capacity of the troops, by the rapid and systematic working of the communications with the rear, and, above all, by the length of the columns of the operating troops.

Its operating amphitheatres would increase the opportunity for clinical instruction, as would a great free outpatient clinic, conducted primarily for the benefit of the poor.

36 Words to use with  operating