624 examples of chauffeurs in sentences

"You're not worth all this bother," said Mr. Merrick to the humbled Wampus, when the final settlement had been made, "but chauffeurs are scarce in Albuquerque and I can't be delayed.

But, Mr. Killibrew, wouldn't you like better and more trustworthy servants as cooks, as farm-hands, chauffeurs, stable-boys?

Frequently there would come from a sideway a group of officers on horseback, or a whole string of commandeered touring cars bearing monocled, haughty staff officers in the tonneaus, with guards riding beside the chauffeurs and small slick trunks strapped on behind.

You see, we have to act as stretcher bearers as well as chauffeurs.

She would institute special classes for prospective chauffeurs and commercial travellers.

We almost always had an interested audience, professional, clerical, or lay, for the chauffeurs found much amusement in these feats of engineering.

Then he foraged on Fourth Avenue for food at an all-night cafe patronized by car-men, chauffeurs, and messenger boys.

Our manthe one we had last yearhas been drafted, and good chauffeurs are scarce now.

With them two chauffeurs were seated.

Chauffeurs are such rotters, aren't they?

Regular chauffeurs I mean.

"If they're like most Americans I've seen they'll have nothing but wet nurses and chauffeurs.

This party of doctors and nurses, stretcher- bearers and chauffeurs, had done splendid work in Belgium.

The cockney voices of the chauffeurs called to each other.

The sink was used as a wash-place by surgeons, chauffeurs, and stretcher-bearers.

The chauffeurs munched solidly, making cockney jokes out of full mouths and abolishing all distinctions of caste by their comradeship in great adventures when their courage, their cool nerve, their fine endurance at the wheel, and their skill in taking heavy ambulances down muddy roads with skidding wheels, saved many men's lives and won a heartfelt praise.

Then one of the chauffeurs had something like an apoplectic stroke in the streetthe effect of a nervous crisis after a day under shell-fire and with two friendly "Tommies" I helped to drag him into the Town Hall.

He got in a jam of cars, and of course the windshields were all mussed up with rain, and the chauffeurs couldn't see anything aheadand

It is not permissible for applicants to send their wives, valets or chauffeurs to represent them.

Like all chauffeurs ours had whizzed past every notice of the directionso carefully printed up as they are in France, too.

From the way they behave one would think chauffeurs believe themselves to possess a sixth sense and can feel in some occult manner the right turns, as they never bother to look at sign posts, or condescend to ask the way like ordinary mortals.

White families employ them as chauffeurs, butlers, house boys, child nurses, maids and cooks, preferring them to white servants who are not so adaptable to such subordinate positions in life.

Two small chauffeurs and a diminutive footman raced me through the narrow, crowded streets, scattering the populace to any shelter it could find.

Once upon a time, two fishermen, who were modestly relating exploits, paused to listen to three chauffeurs who began exchanging experiences.

All men are liars, but some intend to lie,to their credit, be it said, chauffeurs are not among the latter.

624 examples of  chauffeurs  in sentences