42 examples of menses in sentences

"Annus menses habet duodecim..." says the Breviary.

menses nata est, ut innaraturvel quae libet alia feria ejus.

It is this: INNOCENTISSISSIMÆ ETATIS DVLCISSIMO FILIO JOVIANO QVI VIXIT ANN· VII ET MENSES VI NON MERENTES THEOCTISTVS ET THALLVSA PARENTES To their sweetest boy Jovian, of the most innocent age, who lived seven years and six months, his undeserving [or unlamenting] parents Theoctistus and Thallusa.

Such inscriptions as the following are common: FELICISSIMVS DVLCIS,GAVDENTIA IN PACE, SEVERA IN DEO VIVAS, or, with a little more fulness of expression, DVLCISSIMO FILIO ENDELECIO BENEMERENTI QVI VIXIT ANNOS II MENSE VNV DIES XX IN PACE To the sweetest son Endelechius, the well- deserving, who lived two years, one month, twenty days.

"My dear child," he said, slowly and impressively, "you are rich, not poor; im-mense-ly rich!

Et notandum de spacio distantiæ, quod institores de Roma, vel Venetia festinantes tam per terras, quàm per mare, expendunt de tempore 11. menses, et quandoque duodecim, priusquam in Cathay valeant peruenire.

Anno Domini 1330, mense Maij in loco Sancti Antonij de Padua; Nec curauit de latino difficili, et stilo ornato; Sed sicut ipse narrabat ad hoc vt homines faciliùs intelligerent quæ dicuntur.

catamenia^, courses, menses, menstrual flux.

1. tells a story to confirm this out of Alexander Benedictus, of a maid that was mad, ob menses inhibitos, cum in officinam meritoriam incidisset, a quindecem viris eadem nocte compressa, mensium largo profluvio, quod pluribus annis ante constiterat, non sine magno pudore mane menti restituta discessit.

Spiritualem animam a reliquis distinctam tuetur, etiam in cadavere inhaerentem post mortem per aliquot menses.

Ex sepulchris apparent mense Martio, et rursus sub terram se abscondunt, &c. 3045.

O si nunc morerer, inquit, quanta et qualia mihi imperfecta manerent: sed si mensibus decem vel octo super vixero, omnia redigam ad libellum, ab omni debito creditoque me explicabo; praetereunt interim menses decem, et octo, et cum illis anni, et adhuc restant plura quam prius; quid igitur speras.

Vomitum et menses cit. valet ad hydrop.

Si quibus consuetae suae suppressae sunt menses, &c. talo secare oportet, aut vena frontis si sanguis peccet cerebro.

Et sic cum fere de illo desperassem, post menses quatuor ad me rediit.

Ergo membra debilia, et penuria alibilis succi marcescunt, squalentque ut herbae in horto meo hoc mense Maio Zeriscae, ob imbrium defectum.

Quum accepisset uxorem peperisse secundo a nuptiis mense, cunas quinas vel senas coemit, ut si forte uxor singulis bimensibus pareret.

putavit, et quatuor menses Gehennae poenam sentire.

" "Did I everjis' hear dat, dere's ''mense hostes' of 'em jest like him! only think of it.

GENIO LOCI SACRUM POSUIT J.R. MARTIS MENSE 1769" From the "Crane," which is the name given to that section of the country in which the "Horse" is situated, we bent our way in a southerly direction to the Ridge estate, which was about eight miles distant, where we had engaged to dine.

Quare triumphalia ornamenta, et in spatio brevi, duplex sacerdotium accepit, praeterea consulatum, quem gessit per duos novissimos anni menses."

Mr. Tytler tells us that on the 12th of May, 1567, Bothwell was created Duke of Orkney, "the Queen with her own hands placing the coronet on his head," and that the marriage took place on the 15th of May, at four o'clock in the morning in the presence-chamber at Holyrood; and that on the following morning a paper, with this ominous verse, was fixed on the palace gate: "Mense malas Maio nubere vulgus ait.

septimo, mense Augusti.

On the first appearance of the menses, they are furnished with provisions, and sent into the woods, to remain concealed for two days; for they have a superstition, that if a man should be seen or met with during that time, death will be the consequence.

Among the Carriers, as soon as a girl has experienced the first flow of the menses which in the female constitution are a natural discharge, her father believed himself under the obligation of atoning for her supposedly sinful condition by a small impromptu distribution of clothes among the natives.

42 examples of  menses  in sentences