Which preposition to use with balconies

of Occurrences 81%

In the cities the ladies throng the balconies of curling iron-work or crowd the plaza where the joust or bull-fight is to be witnessed, or steal at nightfall to the edge of the vega to meet a lover, and sometimes to die in his arms at the hands of bandits.

with Occurrences 21%

Here all the windows were of the type called french, and opened inward from shallow balconies with wrought bronze railings.

at Occurrences 17%

A shaft of light lay across the balcony at the far end of the house.

in Occurrences 17%

Sitting on my balcony in the Casa Sarrion I have seen a man go into one house and look out of the window of the next a minute later.

to Occurrences 11%

Nay, be advised: No hardship irks the lady, save to sit At home and feed her sparrows; nor no worse Annoy than from her balcony to spy (Should the eye rove) a Switzer of the Guard At post between her raspberry-canes, to watch

on Occurrences 8%

The singers at this church occupy a small balcony on the south side.

from Occurrences 7%

The sun streamed in broad flashes of light over the soft rose-tinted walls of the palazzo and over the splendid balcony from which the Doge was wont to view the processions and fêtes of the Republic; the richly sculptured decorations detached themselves at once in allegory, the figures all leading up to Venice enthroned, holding out to the world her proud motto, "Fortis, justa, trono furias, mare sub pede pono."

into Occurrences 7%

This done, there was a silence, both smiling pensively and gazing out over the rotten balcony into the street.

for Occurrences 7%

"Would she not come with thee?" Marcantonio walked suddenly away to a window and stepped out on the balcony for a breath of air; he was beginning to comprehend the under side of his great joy, and it had come with a shock, on this very day which he had thought would have been filled with a rush of gladness.

outside Occurrences 5%

There was a little balcony outside it, and when I got near I saw that she was standing out on it wrapped in a shawl.

after Occurrences 3%

And all the tribe of birds of prey who look upon him as their lawful spoil will recognise the sign from afar and gather about him as he sits in the balcony after breakfast, taking his last view of the gorgeous East, and perhaps (it is to be feared) seeking inspiration for a few matured reflections wherewith to bring the forthcoming book to an impressive close.

above Occurrences 3%

Every morning between ten and eleven he is to be found in a balcony above the well at the back of the Dargah Mosque, and to-morrow I will lead you to him.

between Occurrences 2%

Sheila's room was at the top of the housethe very room, in fact, whose door opened on the bird cage of a balcony between two cupolas.

over Occurrences 2%

The merchants strolling to the baths stood curiously for a while to watch one of the rapidly increasing sect of Christians, who leaned from a balcony over the street and exhorted a polyglot crowd of freedmen, slaves and idlers.

by Occurrences 2%

But there was war between the houses in the play, and the young lover had to make a way to see his beloved, climbing a high wall into her garden, climbing to her very balcony by a scarf she flung down to him.

without Occurrences 1%

On the outside, small balconies without railings surround each story, to which access is gained by steep and narrow flights of stairs.

around Occurrences 1%

Two or three tiers of galleries or balconies around the yard afforded additional space for both actors and spectators.

as Occurrences 1%

He was satisfied that his lady love and the medical student used this balcony as a lover's lane, and he began lying in wait at his window for the medical student to steal past toward the dress-maker's room.

before Occurrences 1%

At the far end of this snug room is a second door, on opening which you find yourself looking down upon the great kitchen, with a little balcony before you, from which the housekeeper used to issue her commands to the cook, and exercise a sovereign supervision.

behind Occurrences 1%

'I was very sensible of the great Advantage of being a Man of Importance upon these Occasions on the Day of the King's Entry, when I was seated in a Balcony behind a Cluster of very pretty Country Ladies, who had one of these showy Gentlemen in the midst of them.

beneath Occurrences 1%

Just as we were about to start for a balcony beneath which he was almost sure to pass, our Turkish friend whispered to us that if we wore capes we might take our cameras.

beside Occurrences 1%

and she came out of the window and stood on the balcony beside me.

during Occurrences 1%

All these stand empty and desolate in winterwhich the birds know perfectly well; and many are the bird-companies who seek shelter on the deserted buildings' balustrades and balconies during hard storm-times.

like Occurrences 1%

Within their walls are winding staircases by which one can reach narrow balconies like those on lighthouses and look upon the Taj from different heights and study its details from the top as well as the bottom.

through Occurrences 1%

He saw the room lighted fitfully by the play of searchlights over the city; the sinister entrance from a little balcony through the French widow, of the officer in uniform, his shadow flung ahead of him by the beam of the searchlight.

Which preposition to use with  balconies