21 Verbs to Use for the Word shrubberies

He held his long rifle in his right hand, while he drew the shrubbery apart with his left, and looked forth at the canoe.

"There is not much difference in the method of handling goats in the pasture from sheep, but goats have this characteristic, that they prefer the mountain woodland pastures to meadows, for they feed eagerly on the brushwood and in cultivated places crop the shrubbery; indeed, their name caprae is derived from carpere, to crop.

He cut up the shrubbery into those horrible flat beds, in order that I might "grow my hown wegerbles," as he phrased it.

How the baggage beast ran away and decorated the mountain shrubbery with my belongings.

In Jackson Square, notices to warn visitors not to disturb the shrubbery, are posted in two languages, the French being first.

When he had come to the thin spot in the thicket, Rudolph Musgrave left the path, and entered the shrubbery.

I heard the cawing of the rooks in the soft air, and the bubbling song of the chaffinches filled the shrubberies.

They stood before the gray rock-walls, which reared themselves on four colonnades one above another, and the torchlight shot up into the arches of the arcades, gilding the green shrubbery high overhead, and deep in the earth had the noble monster already buried his feet.

Honestly, when the divine providence was handing out shrubbery, they planted a lemon-tree in his yard just before he was born.

I felt that I should be unable to sleep, with that bestial thing haunting the shrubberies, and yet, when evening fell, I had seen nothing.

With my gun barrel, I parted the intervening shrubbery, and looked inside.

It was too late, however, for she had heard Ludlow take his leave, and had listened, in breathless silence, to his footstep, as he passed the shrubbery of her little lawn.

These dreadful creatures would prowl around everywhere; they might even penetrate the shrubbery to the foot of the stairs leading to his own retired room; they would destroy his happiness and drive him mad.

Mary had the grounds all to herself, except at those stated times when the Fräulein, who was growing lazier and larger day by day in her leisurely and placid existence, took her morning and afternoon constitutional on the terrace in front of the drawing-room, or solemnly perambulated the shrubberies.

An experiment was made of planting a shrubbery in the church, but it did not thrive.

" They reached the shrubbery to be nearly deafened by the band.

Towards the latter part the banks were fringed with mangroves of a small and singularly even growth, resembling a clipped garden shrubbery.

Then on, over slow miles (you must not trot beneath the burning mid- day sun) of sandy stifling flat, between high canes, till we saw with joy, through long vistas of straight traces, the mangrove shrubbery which marked the sea.

We are drawing near the pleasure-groundsthe great rhododendron belt that shelters the shrubbery from the east wind.

King carrying their provision-bag went ahead breaking aside the shrubbery for Gloria close at his heels.

I put in some hundreds of trees and shrubs with my own hands, which prospered marvellously, and have become, I have been told, most luxuriant shrubberies.

21 Verbs to Use for the Word  shrubberies