35 Verbs to Use for the Word infancy

To John and Elizabeth Lamb were born seven children, only three of whom, John, Mary, and Charles, survived their infancy.

We shall pass over the infancy of young Walter, and resume the narrative at the period in which he entered into his twentieth year.

The gods that nursed our infancy are dead, or gone to nurse younger nations.

And a firm reliance on the goodness of that Power whose providence mercifully protected our national infancy, and has since upheld our liberties in various vicissitudes, encourages me to offer up my ardent supplications that He will continue to make our beloved country the object of His divine care and gracious benediction.

Thine infancy with tenderness I'd rear, And thou should'st warm my age with youthful fire.

One kept awake to tend her child in its cradle, lulling it with the household words that had fondled her own infancy.

" "No doubt as to the right of dismembering and destroying a government which has fostered your infancy, developed your strength, and made you one among the parts of a nation that has no peer in a world's history?

How far it may be expedient to guard the infancy of this improvement in the distribution of labor by regulations of the commercial tariff is a subject which can not fail to suggest itself to your patriotic reflections.

One who protected and guided my infancy and youth, even left me for a time, under instruction, on the little plain of Sorrento.

This produced what now appears a strange confusion of the genders: as, "Learning hath his infancy, when it is but beginning, and almost childish; then his youth, when it is luxuriant and juvenile; then his strength of years, when it is solid and reduced; and lastly his old age, when it waxeth dry and exhaust.

It haunted my infancy; it harassed me while a girl; it has brought me in the prime of womanhood to the brink of the grave.

Again he repeated the sweet name that had illuminated his infancy with romantic splendor.

The precise birthplace of Charlemagne is unknown; neither have any records come down to us of his education, nor any particulars of those early years which are generally ornamented by the imagination of after biographers, even when the subject of their writing has left his infancy in obscurity.

Let us first observe what it was then lengthened the infancy of the highest animal, for then we shall be the better able to understand the character of the prodigious effects which this infancy has wrought.

Increased intelligence means prolonged infancy 8.

ON, then, ye brave' like tigers rage, That you may win your crown, Mowing both infancy and age In ruthless carnage down.

" The look that Wilder bestowed, on the same silent out lovely statue, was scarcely less expressive than "he gaze of her who had nurtured the infancy of the Southern Heiress, in innocence and love.

It is not to be doubted, but that nature has given to French Guiyana the elements of great prosperity; but this establishment requires to be entirely created; every thing has hitherto concurred to prolong its infancy.

But expectation is permissible where belief is not; and if it were given me to look beyond the abyss of geologically recorded time to the still more remote period when the earth was passing through physical and chemical conditions, which it can no more see again than a man can recall his infancy, I should expect to be a witness of the evolution of living protoplasm from not living matter.

A complex life requires a longer infancy 6.

On these, and other details respecting the infancy of our Saviour, I shall have to say much more when treating of the History of Christ.

The application of the theory of evolution to man and his life has revealed human infancy as one of the largest factors making for the superiority of man in the struggle for existence, and given to childhood a vast biological importance.

40 Thou drooping sick Man, bless the Guide Who checked or turned thy headstrong youth, As he before had sanctified Thy infancy with heavenly truth.

When she died, the child who had grown up and under her guidance had married a respectable merchant, mourned for her as one mourns for those who have lovingly shielded our infancy and youth; and many of the neighbours were sincerely grieved that Imtiazan had departed for ever.

After the erection of temples came the building of palaces for kings, equally distinguished for vast magnitude and mechanical skill, but deficient in taste and beauty, showing the infancy of Art.

35 Verbs to Use for the Word  infancy