Which preposition to use with locating

at Occurrences 1006%

The Foundation's principal office is located at 4557 Melan Dr. S. Fairbanks, AK, 99712., but its volunteers and employees are scattered throughout numerous locations.

in Occurrences 659%

The game's up, and the trapper may make up his mind to get rid of the varmint in some way, or locate in another range of country.

on Occurrences 80%

The eastern one, on the western banks of which our tents were located on a beautiful little bay, is the prettiest of them all.

near Occurrences 20%

As the town was located near the Kansas line father determined to visit him, and thither our journey was directed.

within Occurrences 11%

"Gentlemen, I voted that it should be a white statethat negroes, whether free or slave, should never be allowed to locate within its limits; and, gentlemen, I say to you now, and I say it boldly, that I propose to exert all my power in making Kansas the same kind of a state as Iowa.

for Occurrences 10%

To a "starter," we donated lots to any one who would build on them, but reserved the corner lots and others which were best located for ourselves.

with Occurrences 9%

In elementary work it is only fair to state that many points of surface anatomy and many of the landmarks cannot always be defined or located with precision.

under Occurrences 8%

It differs from them in having more arable land located under climatic conditions favorable for the raising of the food crops of the ancient Peruvians.

between Occurrences 7%

To prevent their suspecting anything ulterior and consequently causing trouble they ordered them to help in building homes for the men once driven out of Vienna (in Gallia Narbonensis) by the Allobroges and then located between the Rhone and the Arar, at their confluence.

to Occurrences 4%

Sarrion rode to the large house in the Calle de la Dormitaleria where the school of the Sisters of the True Faith is located to this day.

among Occurrences 4%

His tomb, surmounted by a marble bust, is situated in the nave near the cloister, located among those of Barrow, Chaucer, Spenser, Cowley and other renowned Englishmen.

along Occurrences 4%

At various times scattered settlers have located along the Blue, and cultivated small garden patches.

as Occurrences 3%

Mr. Harper is now located as a trader at Fort Selkirk, with Mr. Joseph Ladue under the firm name of Harper & Ladue, and Mr. McQuestion is in the employ of the Alaska Commercial Company at Circle City, which is the distributing point for the vast regions surrounding Birch Creek, Alaska.

across Occurrences 2%

They soon reached the dormitory, located across the campus from the main building and followed the house master up-stairs and to rooms No. 25 and 26.

below Occurrences 2%

Now as the lower cock is located below the water line, shown by the glass, and the second cock above this line, you not only see the water line by the glass, but you have a way of proving it.

opposite Occurrences 2%

These officials he allowed to sit in their own places: he himself took his seat on the bench located opposite them and as presiding officer made any remarks that seemed to him pertinent.

after Occurrences 2%

" The corpse was located after a search.

of Occurrences 1%

Precious metals abound, although systematic effort has never been directed to the locating of paying veins.

beneath Occurrences 1%

While the sounds of the submarine's machinery are not audible above the water, the delicate microphone located beneath the water can detect them.

from Occurrences 1%

"It reads like an arras of reminiscences from several accounts of natural or enchanted parks, and from various descriptions of that elusive and danger-fraught garden which mystic geographers have studied to locate from Florida to Cathay" (Cooper).

outside Occurrences 1%

The matter was duly presented to the military authorities, and the objection found to immediate action that the Spanish prisoners of war should not for the time be located outside the walled city.

above Occurrences 1%

This little gland is located above the kidney, and is aroused to intense activity at times, pouring out into the blood a fluid that goes all over the body.

Which preposition to use with  locating