Which preposition to use with shilling

in Occurrences 111%

One boy on his own account compared a shilling and an hour, and said that he could set out a shilling in five parts by the clock.

for Occurrences 95%

Then I've past my word at the George Tavern, for forty Shillings for you, ten Shillings at my Neighbour Squabs for Ale, besides seven Shillings to Mother Suds for Washing; and do you fob me off with my Husband? Gay.

per Occurrences 93%

The men, being almost all unused to this kind of labour, are paid only one shilling per day; and the whole scheme has been devised for the employment of those who are suffering from the present depression of trade.

of Occurrences 48%

Accordingly, I hired myself out at Fisher's Island, and earned twenty pounds; thirteen pounds six shillings of which my master drew for the privilege, and the remainder I paid him for my freedom.

to Occurrences 44%

Then I've past my word at the George Tavern, for forty Shillings for you, ten Shillings at my Neighbour Squabs for Ale, besides seven Shillings to Mother Suds for Washing; and do you fob me off with my Husband? Gay.

on Occurrences 30%

He is unresolved whether to buy it or to spend the extra shilling on his dinner.

at Occurrences 16%

Then I've past my word at the George Tavern, for forty Shillings for you, ten Shillings at my Neighbour Squabs for Ale, besides seven Shillings to Mother Suds for Washing; and do you fob me off with my Husband? Gay.

from Occurrences 15%

Cross having received five shillings from home on the morning of his birthday, determined to celebrate the occasion by the purchase of a pork-pie, of which he had previously invited all his companions to partake.

by Occurrences 13%

This little book, attributed on the title-page merely to the author of Mrs. Leicester's School, was published in two minute volumes at three shillings by Mrs. Godwin in 1809.

into Occurrences 10%

I can only put twelve shillings into thy pocket (which, I will answer for them, will not stick there long) out of a pocket almost as bare as thine.

out Occurrences 7%

There were occasions when he had to meet Mrs. Mattingford, but these meetings were generally for the purpose of handing over to the lady her weekly dress allowance of ten shillings out of his salary, so that she might attend the sales at the big drapery shops in the West End and inspect the windows containing expensive articles that she could not hope to buy.

as Occurrences 4%

Oa painted cloth were as well worth a shilling as a thief worth a halter; well, after my hearty commendations, as I was at the making hereof; so it is, that I hope as you speed, so you're sure; a swift horse will tire, but he that trots easily will endure.

for Occurrences 3%

English money was handed to him for his note, and the night porter carried cabby the regulation shilling for the journey of a few yards which had been made.

about Occurrences 3%

A palfrey was sold for twelve shillings about the year 966

over Occurrences 2%

Marry, Master Prodigo, here are a few shillings over and besides the bargain.

with Occurrences 2%

Following on the days of Dickens, the novel began to contract, to subordinate characterisation to story and description to drama; considerations of a sordid nature, I am told, had to do with that; something about a guinea and a half and six shillings with which we will not concern

without Occurrences 2%

This will make you not her debtor, but her benefactor; for without this deed, all that is now hers becomes yours by legal right upon your marriage, and she could not justly give away a shilling without your permission.

under Occurrences 1%

Even the laborers hired by the year have a full month given them for harvesting forty or fifty extra shillings under this stimulus.

to Occurrences 1%

But when the rate is suddenly increased from one shilling to four shillings, it does not fall on the accumulated wealth or on the real property, but it falls on the occupier, the ratepayermen, the great bulk of whom are at the present moment themselves struggling upon the verge of pauperism.

with Occurrences 1%

In February, 1786, in sending fifteen guineas to his mother, he wrote: "I have now demands upon me for more than £500, three hundred and forty odd of which is due for the tax of 1786; and I know not where or when I shall receive one shilling with which to pay it.

through Occurrences 1%

At last I gave him a shilling through the crack of the boards, and vowed I wouldn't say who'd done it, and then he undid the door.

Which preposition to use with  shilling