40 collocations for approximate

Occasionally our party passed a person, or a group of persons,mostly negroes approximating the pure type, for those of lighter color grew noticeably scarcer as the town was left behind.

From this source of information, which is the best obtainable, I place the number of male adults then in the camp at 3,000; and that on June 25th, 1876, the fighting strength of the Indians was between 2,500 and 3,000, and more probably approximating the latter number.

This was largely guesswork, but I approximated distances and made the situation fairly clear.

But you will more and more nearly approximate the ideal, will more and more nearly find that right expression has become second nature with you.

It is not the surface whim of public opinion, it is its greatest common denominator that approximates the truth.

It would only have approximated its intended effect.

It is evident, therefore, that Skirrl in his first series of trials closely approximated expectation in the number of mistakes.

The man approximated a figure; it was large, but Mr. Heatherbloom at once got in.

His wealth increased with such rapidity that at no time was he able even to approximate the gains that accrued to him because of his corner.

They all approximated his helpless gesture, his blank amazement.

A system of measures was therefore devised, calculated, if not intended, to withdraw power gradually and silently from the States and the mass of the people, and by construction to approximate our Government to the European models, substituting an aristocracy of wealth for that of orders and titles.

On this basis, the estimates approximate a German loss of over 1,580, killed and 4,490,000 disabled, prisoners, and missing, a total of 6,070,000.

His latest achievement was the creation, from England's untrained manhood, of an army approximating 5,000,000 men, of whom he was the military idol.

They approximate the subject matter and technique of realistic fiction.

Two active Suffrage Associations approximate a membership of 8,000, with nearly 200 branches, and are building up public sentiment.

The greatest evidence of the matchless creative genius displayed in those architectural wonders is that after two thousand years, and with all the inventions of Roman and modern artists, no improvement has been made; and those edifices which are the admiration of our own times are deemed beautiful as they approximate the ancient models, which will forever remain objects of imitation.

Probably we can never have a perfect form of government, but the nearer we approximate to the divine the nearer will we attain to perfection; and the divine government recognizes neither caste, class, sex, nor nationality.

Repeated, liberal, and candid discussions in the Legislature have conciliated the sentiments and approximated the opinions of enlightened minds upon the question of constitutional power.

" Not even the severest self-examination will enable one in whom the Art-impulse exists to understand thoroughly its aim and uses; yet to approximate a clear perception of his own nature and that of the art to which he is called is one of his first duties.

Five make my good Landlady fidgetty; six, to begin to fret; seven, to approximate to fever point.

But I more than doubt the possibility of even approximating the principles of Bishop Jeremy Taylor to the fundamental doctrines of Leighton, much more to those of Cartwright, Twiss, or Owen.

In our hasty review of the methods now in use we noted the inability to approximate this desirable process as a common difficulty.

Very few persons indeed, even after long practice, become sufficiently skillful in spelling on the fingers to approximate the rapidity of speech.

Shakespeare approximates the remote, and familiarizes the wonderful; the event which he represents will not happen, but, if it were possible, its effects would, probably, be such as he has assigned; and it may be said, that he has not only shown human nature as it acts in real exigencies, but as it would be found in trials, to which it cannot be exposed.

" There seems some ground for believing that official opinion in this matter is undergoing modification, since in the case of later appointmentse.g., in the Labour Exchanges and in the National Health Insurance Commissionthe tendency has been to approximate the salaries of women much more closely to those of men and even in some instances to make them identical.

40 collocations for  approximate