32 adjectives to describe mead

Prompt at the martial call, Zúára leads His veteran troops from Zábul's verdant meads.

The plenteous horns with pleasant mead they crown, Nor wanted aught besides in honour of the Moon.

"Just like daisies all spread O'er a broad sunny mead

215 On as we journey, in clear view displayed, The still vale lengthens underneath its shade Of low-hung vapour: on the freshened mead The green light sparkles;the dim bowers recede.

Eltruda, o'er the distant mead, Would haste, at closing day, And to the bleating mother lead The lamb, that chanc'd to stray.

her grotto, against which the luxuriant vine laid forth his purple grapes? her ever new delights, crystal fountains, running brooks, meadows flowering with sweet balm-gentle and with violet: blue violets which like veins enameled the smooth breasts of each fragrant mead!

Not roses redly blown, Nor golden lilies, lighting the dusky meads, Nor proud imperial pansies, nor queen-cups quaint and rare Not these alone Make the sweet sights of summer

3 For me, no more I'll range the empurpled mead, Where shepherds pipe, and virgins dance around, Nor wander through the woodbine's fragrant shade, To hear the music of the grove resound.

But him the streams that warbling flow Rich Tibur's fertile meads along, And shady groves, his haunts shall know The master of th' Æolian song.

O'er clogging fallows, o'er dry plastered roads, O'er floated meads, o'er plains with flocks distained 170 Rank-scenting, these must lead the dubious way.

that standest slyly by, With thy ill-combed mane and patchy neckthy brown and cunning eye, I will not mount the Monné's height, or tread the gentle mead Upon thy back again: oh slow and wretched donkey steed!

And thy divinity with glory shine, And may our city shine with glowing meads, And all my people praise thy glorious deeds.

Art thou the same as when in manhood's pride I walked in joy thy grassy meads among, With that fair youthful vision by my side, In whose bright eyes I lookedand not in vain?

To rise all rosy from the arms of sleep, And, like the sky-bird, hail the bright-cheek'd morn With gleeful song, then o'er the bladed mead To chase the blue-wing'd butterfly, or play With curly streams; or, led by watchful Love, To hear the chorus of the trooping waves, When the young breezes laugh them into life!

He daily tended his flocks to pasture in the Kyffhäusen mountains, and never failed, as evening approached, to muster them in a little mead, surrounded by a stone wall, preparatory to driving them home; for some time, however, he had observed, that one of the finest of his herd regularly disappeared soon after coming to this nook, and did not join her companions till late.

On a lone sequestered mead, Where silver-streamlets flow, I saw a rose and lily twine, And in love and beauty grow; Again to that lone, peaceful spot, From worldly cares I hied But the flowers that lately bloom'd so fair, Had wither'd, drooped, and died!

Till at the shaggy dell they halted where The Müta flows through its luxuriant meads.

Round the vex'd isles where fierce tornados roar, 180 Or tropic breezes sooth the sultry shore; What time the eve her gauze pellucid spreads O'er the dim flowers, and veils the misty meads; Slow, o'er the twilight sands or leafy walks, With gloomy dignity DICTAMNA stalks; [Dictamnus.

* The brooklet branching from the silver Trent, The whispering birch by every zephyr bent, The woody island and the naked mead, The lowly hut half hid in groves of reed, The rural wicket and the rural stile, And frequent interspersed the woodman's pile.

But, oh! the world that she had left, The meads from her so lately reft, An infant Proserpine, Lay like a fabled land above, A paradise of sunny love, In warmth and light divine.

The sun shone; the smoke of the embers floated against it, across the boat, on the gentlest of breezes; the food was coarse, but they were hungry; the water motionless, but Mr. Mortimer's talk seemed to put a current into it, calling them southward and to high adventuressouthward where no smoke was, and the swallows skimmed over the scented water-meads.

Here Ouse, slow winding through a level plain Of spacious meads with cattle sprinkled o'er, Conducts the eye along his sinuous course Delighted.

TALBOT, K.C.B. I tell of old Virginian ways; And who more fit my tale to scan Than you, who knew in far-off days The eager horse of Sheridan; Who saw the sullen meads of fate, The tattered scrub, the blood-drenched sod, Where Lee, the greatest of the great, Bent to the storm of God?

On swampy meads, in sleeted hush, The swarms of London made a rush, And all the world was in the slush.' "Etcetera.

2. And ever as he went he swept a lyre Of unaccustomed shape, and ... strings Now like the ... of impetuous fire Which shakes the forest with its murmurings, Now like the rush of the aërial wings 5 Of the enamoured wind among the treen, Whispering unimaginable things, And dying on the streams of dew serene Which feed the unmown meads with ever-during green.

32 adjectives to describe  mead