16 Metaphors for annie

She was delighted at the notice Lilla ever received from her; but blinded by the artful manners of her elder girl, she often wished that Annie had been the favourite instead.

Mr. Foster himself got a little excited about it, when he came home; but poor Annie was a good deal more troubled than pleased.

All the same, Annie was a good, comfortable girl, a girl that everybody was sure would make a good wife for any man, and at that time many people were thinking that he should marry Annie.

Well, when we were sittin' there Annie was sufferin' pretty bad, and we were still a long way from the top of the line.

Annie is my playmate.

'Old Annie,' the cook, was the child of Indian and mulatto parents, but possessed none of the features of her darker relation, except a capacious mouth and lips to match.

Annie is Ford's sister.

In this scheme, Annie, we need hardly say, was a favouring party; not that she had any love for the young man, for her heart was still true to Menelaws (who, however, for safety's sake, was now excluded from the house), but that, with a filial obedience to a beloved father, she felt, with a woman's heart, sympathy for one who was in distress, and a martyr to the cause which her father loved.

That very night he had told his parents that Annie would be his wife.

is she happy?" "Annie cannot be happy, father, even if her husband were of a very different character.

" CHAPTER XXXV PALE ANNIE Even in Elkhead there were fires this day.

Annie and Mary are two sober-looking little creatures, in quakerish feathers of drab and grey.

"You don't think you'll lose," hurried on Haw-Haw, "but neither did them six that Pale Annie was tellin' about, most like.

Annie was a great help to her mother, and fast learning to be a good housewife.

" "Annie, you little simpwhat's the matter with you?

LADY LUNDIE enters and announces that ANNIE is no longer her governess, that misguided person having thrown up her situation, for the irrational reason that it was an interesting one, and having fled in the silence of the after-dinner hour.

16 Metaphors for  annie