20 Words to use with neuter

They addressed the baby uniformly in the neuter gender, and requested to know whether it was not their darling.

Bëizha is the neuter verb "to come."

The neuter pronoun it may be applied to a young child, or to other creatures masculine or feminine by nature, when they are not obviously distinguishable with regard to sex; as, "Which is the real friend to the child, the person who gives it the sweetmeats, or the person who, considering only its health, resists its importunities?"Opis.

1.A few active-intransitive verbs, that signify mere motion, change of place, or change of condition, may be put into this form, with a neuter signification; making not passive but neuter verbs, which express nothing more than the state which results from the change: as, "I am come.

It seemeth to me that such a person as thou can never be of the neuter sex.' "Arjuna said, 'I sing, dance, and play on instruments.

15.Some verbs may be used in either an active or a neuter sense.

These are what Dr. Johnson and some others call "neuter passives;" a name which never was very proper, and for which we have no frequent use. OBS.

"The neuter gender denotes objects which are neither male nor female.

that, that one; pl. those *esfera* f. sphere *eso* neuter pron.

7.An active-intransitive or a neuter participle in ing, when governed by a preposition, is often followed by a noun or a pronoun the case of which depends not on the preposition, but on the case which goes before.

The name breve, from the French brève, (which latter word came, doubtless, originally from the neuter of the Latin adjective brevis, short,) is now pretty generally applied to the one; and the Greek term macron, long, (also originally a neuter adjective,) is perhaps as common as any name for the other.

By the adding of a, the Latin ending of neuter plurals, to certain proper adjectives in an: as, Miltonian, Miltoniana; Johnsonian, Johnsoniana.

CONSTITUENTS OF THE CARROT.These are crystallizable and uncrystallizable sugar, a little starch, extractive, gluten, albumen, volatile oil, vegetable jelly, or pectin, saline matter, malic acid, and a peculiar crystallizable ruby-red neuter principle, without odour or taste, called carotin.

This pronoun, whether relative or interrogative, is regarded by Bosworth and others as a neuter derivative from the masculine or femine

The man who rejects the objective case of English nouns, because it has not a form peculiar to itself alone, must reject the accusative and the vocative of all neuter nouns in Latin, for the same reason; and the ablative, too, must in general be discarded on the same principle.

He has a masculine head, a feminine hand, and a neuter heart.

Although bearing a neuter form, he yet resembleth Arjuna.

Often you are my comrade, and we are completely congenial, neuter entities.

6. Write a synopsis of the third person plural of the neuter verb stand, conjugated interrogatively.

A critic thus illustrates the use of genders in that language: "A German gentleman writes a masculine letter of feminine love to a neuter young lady with a feminine pen and feminine ink on masculine sheets of neuter paper, and incloses it in a masculine envelope with a feminine address to his darling, though neuter, Gretchen.

20 Words to use with  neuter