Which preposition to use with twirled

in Occurrences 8%

Redfern, the next man, had hardly taken his place at the wicket when a sharp click, the glitter of bails twirling in the air, and a Wraxby shout of "Well bowled!" announced his fate; while ten minutes later Rowland, one of the mainstays of the home team, was caught in a most provoking manner at cover-point.

of Occurrences 7%

Far remote on the savannahs I could pick out twirls of smoke rising into the blue weather, the signs of Indian hunting fires.

on Occurrences 3%

Thus Ætna, when in fierce eruptions broke, Fills heaven with ashes, and the earth with smoke; Here crags of broken rocks are twirled on high, Here molten stones and scattered cinders fly: Its fury reaches the remotest coast, And strows the Asiatic shore with dust.

with Occurrences 2%

His bugle horn hung at his hip and his bow and arrows at his back, while in his hand he bore a good stout oaken staff, which he twirled with his fingers as he strolled along.

OVER Occurrences 2%

A WILD TWIRL OVER MY HEAD"] I didn't say anything, and taking the pole in both hands I gave it a wild twirl over my head, and then it flew out as if I was trying to whip one of the leaders in a four-horse team.

through Occurrences 2%

While her friend played, she practised several new dances with great spirit; and after she had kissed good-night, she went twirling through the door, as if music were handing her out.

about Occurrences 2%

In two minutes Maudie was twirling about with the handy gentleman, who seemed as accomplished with his toes as he was reputed to be with his fingers.

before Occurrences 1%

I remained all day in a state of feverish lethargy, unable to rise, and constantly falling off into dreamy dozes; kaleidoscopes, with the ugliest sides of everything perpetually twirling before my eyes.

at Occurrences 1%

But though don Ramón was a fervent Catholic (who never went to mass), and hated all the infidel turnkeys of the Holy Father, he would grin and give a satisfied twirl at the offending mouth-piece, quite flattered at bottom to be likened to a king.

across Occurrences 1%

Then the organ-grinder slung his instrument with an experienced twist and twirl across his shoulders, and took off his cap.

toward Occurrences 1%

It was with a grunt of disgust that he saw it wind and twirl toward the white surface below.

round Occurrences 1%

They do not twirl round the ankle like a rope, as mine do.

between Occurrences 1%

"Let us turn to another point" (Mr. Manners lifted the glass he had been twirling between his fingers, and drank it off with an appearance of great enjoyment.

by Occurrences 1%

He was leaning back in his chair, gently twirling by its thin black ribbon the horn-rimmed eyeglass which he usually wore.

for Occurrences 1%

As Merriwell had been given a place on the team as reserve pitcher, his services were not needed at first, and so he went in to twirl for the scrub nine.

Which preposition to use with  twirled