14 Verbs to Use for the Word lanthorns

Page holding his lanthorn to his face.

So saying, Beda rose, and taking the lanthorn, began to descend through the floor, having first shown how the flagstone must be lowered in place.

For a second the driver appeared to be going to pass them; then, as Mr. Thomasson again waved his lanthorn and shouted, he drew up. 'Halloa!'

And now through the hole in the floor behold a hand bearing a lanthornan arma shouldera shrouded head; thus slowly a tall, cloaked figure rose up through the floor, and, setting down the lanthorn, leaned toward Beltane, putting back the hood of his mantle, and Beltane beheld Beda the Jester.

He caught the sound of hasty footsteps crossing the open ground on his right, and apparently approaching; and he raised his lanthorn in alarm.

The coachman must have drawn off a little for some reason, and now he has seen the lanthorn.'

he continued recklessly snatching up the lanthorn, which had fallen on its side and was not extinguished.

Long-look'd for day's sun, when wilt thou ascend? Let not this thieve friend, misty veil of night, Encroach on day, and shadow thy fair light, Whilst thou com'st tardy from thy Thetis' bed, Blushing forth golden hair and glorious red; O, stay not long, bright lanthorn of the day, To light my miss'd-way feet to my right way!

" And all the while, these two brave lads have been thrusting their lanthorn into every crack and cranny, and beating round every crag carefully and cunningly, till long past two in the morning.

Thus as he lay, staring upwards into the gloom, he was aware of the opening of the iron-clamped door, and beheld his gaoler bearing a lanthorn and behind him Sir Pertolepe leaning on the arm of his favourite esquire, who, coming near, looked upon Beltane nodding right jovially.

While she stared, half demented, scarcely believing her happiness, Mr. Thomasson appeared on the threshold, his headhe wore no wigmuffled in a woman's shawl, a shaded lanthorn in his hand.

We could scarcely see three feet from us; and, as we wished to move on so as not to be discovered by any of those who usually gave the enemy information, we carried very few lanthorns.

Here Beda paused, finger on lip, and extinguished the lanthorn.

" "Lend me a lanthorn then, for Heaven's sake!"

14 Verbs to Use for the Word  lanthorns