25 Verbs to Use for the Word clogs

Another woman took her clog off, and held it up, saying, "Look at that.

This poor boy, after being imprisoned there for some weeks, was then brought home, and compelled to wear iron clogs on his ankles for one or two months.

Gee whiz, I'm oney a clog in the wheel.

She's no raving beauty, but if she would throw out her chest and chuck those flat-heeled clogs of hers, and put a marcel wave in her hair, maybe the old man would sit up and take notice.

There were many of all ages, clean in person, and bashful in manner, with their poor clothing put into the tidiest possible trim; others were dirty, and sluttish, and noisy of speech, as in the case of one woman, who, after receiving her ticket for relief, partly in money and partly in kind, whipped a pair of worn clogs from under her shawl, and cried out, "Aw mun ha' some clogs afore aw go, too; look at thoose!

I am a Prince by birth, And princely spirits disdaine such clogs of earth.

One threw down his burden and executed a brief clog.

Frank took possession of the trap, and Archie carried a piece of heavy chain with which to fasten the "clog" to the trap.

By night you heard of Og The huge; nor felt your courage clog At tokens of his onset grim: You marked the sunk ship's flag-staff slim, Lit by her burning sister's heart; You marked, and mused: "Day brings the trial: Then be it proved if I have part With men whose manhood never took denial.

After examining their prize to their satisfaction, the boys commenced looking around through the bushes to find the clog which had been detached from the trap.

The old senator, unable to maintain his plea, called the Moor to him with many expressions of sorrow, and, as an act of necessity, bestowed upon him his daughter, whom, if he had been free to withhold her, (he told him) he would with all his heart have kept from him; adding, that he was glad at soul that he had no other child, for this behaviour of Desdemona would have taught him to be a tyrant, and hang clogs on them for her desertion.

The fire burned low and the kitchen got cold, but Kit did not come back and when Peter heard his housekeeper's clogs on the stones outside he got up and crossed the floor, to get his hat.

Dolly heard a great clatter of four people leaving their clogs and cloaks in the hall, and would not move out of the unused drawing-room, in which for the moment she was seated.

He would go as soon as he could command the means, leaving all clogs behind.

The wood is used for making clogs, pattens, and other such purposes; and the bark for dyeing and manufacturing some of the finer kinds of leather.

Then of that legion none stood idle, none Gaped listless at the herd, with naught to do: But one drew near and milked them, binding clogs Of wood with leathern thongs around their feet: One brought, all hungering for the milk they loved, The longing young ones to the longing dams.

We are aroused from a reverie about nothing by a dark-brown shape, who replaces the clogs, puts his arm around our waist and leads us into an inner hall, with a steaming tank in the centre.

I've seen the sun-rays turn the roof ter blist'rin', tarry coal; I've seen the ice-drift clog the bay from foamin' shoal ter shoal; I've faced the winter's snow and sleet, I've felt the summer's shower,

Then straightway, and without more words, he stripped off his clogs and let them fall upon the road.

As she went out, and wanted her clogs, she turned to me, and said, "I remember at the playhouse, they used to call Mrs. Oldfield's chair!

" A similar feeling is manifest in the following conversation, which, I am assured, is authentic:At Hawick the people used to wear wooden clogs, which make a clanking noise on the pavement.

After adjusting the clog to their satisfaction, they threw a few handfuls of snow over the trap and chain, and, after bestowing a few finishing touches, they shouldered their axes and started toward the house.

In three or four instances, the applicants said, after receiving other relief, "Aw wish yo'd gi' me a pair o' clogs, Mr Eccles.

The chain was them fastened to the trap, and to this was attached the clog, which was a long, heavy limb.

Meanwhile he was beginning to feel his regular College duties a terrible clog upon his literary work.

25 Verbs to Use for the Word  clogs