40 Verbs to Use for the Word taints

If Louise perished in this dreadful storm the proud Diana Von Taer could not escape the taint of murder.

Ripley tried to appear very business-like when he came back to the wagon, but Andy caught the taint of liquor in his breath.

He brings the taint of the world upon him, and none of its illusions.

POSTSCRIPT So sang young Love in high and holy dream Of a white Love that hath no earthly taint, So rapt within his vision he did seem Less like a boyish singer than a saint.

and I know taint no use to lie, I takin' my time.

Yet life that must be feigned for, leaves a taint.

Thus diplomacy, in spite of the announced intention to reform its practices, has retained the evil taint which makes it out of harmony with the spirit of good faith and of open dealing which is characteristic of the best thought of the present epoch.

He has no longer the reproach of being a slaveholder; his property has lost all the taint of slavery, and is placed on as secure a footing, in a moral and political point of view, as that in any other part of the British dominions.

If I were an Australian or a Canadian I would fight this hateful taint of the old world with all my might.

In youth by science nursed, And led by nature into a wild scene Of lofty hopes, he to the world went forth 15 A favoured Being, knowing no desire Which genius did not hallow; 'gainst the taint Of dissolute tongues, and jealousy, and hate, And scorn,against all enemies prepared, All but neglect.

"I'm in deadly earnest, but I don't expect you to understand, for you've got an hereditary taint, too, Pelletan, which shows itself principally in your spine.

It was better, I thought, to hide my African taint, forsooth, for awhile.

Over everything I do lies the taint that I'm the 'owner'!

Do you know that at this moment your hospitals are crammed with beings in human likeness suffering from a thousand obscure and subtly-ineradicable ills, all of whom, if left alone, would die almost at once, but ninety in the hundred of whom will, as it is, be sent forth "cured," like missionaries of hell, and the horrent shapes of Night and Acheron, to mingle in the pure river of humanity the poison-taint of their protean vileness?

In a word, Bedient sensed the humor of Mrs. Wordling, and could not yet know that she, of the entire company, monopolized the taint.

They were pleasant to many, readable by more, and quite unmarred by any spark of cleverness, flash of wit, or morbid taint of philosophy.

The dog's growl came again, and I noted, subconsciously, the taint of fear in it.

Nor is it true, as men pretend, that a few full meals and fine clothes obliterate all taint of alien instinct and reversion.

On the other hand it has been maintained that the ceremonial fires have no necessary reference to the sun but are simply purificatory in intention, being designed to burn up and destroy all harmful influences, whether these are conceived in a personal form as witches, demons, and monsters, or in an impersonal form as a sort of pervading taint or corruption of the air.

" "Signore, it matters not," continued Il Maledetto, with a ruthless perseverance of intention, and a coolness of manner that would seem to merit the description which had just been given his spirit, that of possessing a hellish taint; "she loved him with a woman's heart; and with a woman's ingenuity and confidence, she ascribed his fall to despair for her loss.

Death has its temporary conquest, but grace reigning through righteousness shall finally purge the last taint of mortality.

But a better comprehension of the term, and one which will perhaps remove the taint of malediction, will be attained if we examine in detail a few essential bromidic tendencies.

If there was German blood in him, poisoning the very wells of his heart he could have spilled it, and so, whether living or dead, have repudiated the taint.

Thus he was regarded in Chicago as an American of the old type; but being human, his strength had not been strong enough to resist the taint in the atmosphere he had breathed ever since he began to be very rich and to keep the company of the pretentious.

These changes resembled the quick and slight movements of the hound, as he lifts his head in his lair, to listen to some distant sound, or to scent some passing taint in the gale.

40 Verbs to Use for the Word  taints