Which preposition to use with passion

of Occurrences 1380%

One finds wrapped within it the mystery, aspiration, and spiritual passion of the soul.

for Occurrences 998%

So, when the top was lifted, our little guardian gets in its work, producing the light phenomenon that so puzzled Slade, and inspiring Pulz with a passion for the rolling wave, which is only interrupted by Handy Solomon's tackling him.

in Occurrences 285%

He kindles raging fires in the hearts of the young, fans the flames that are almost dead in the old, awakens the fever of passion in the chaste bosoms of virgins and instils a genial warmth into the breasts of wives and widows equally.

with Occurrences 158%

Horses were a passion with her, and she noted with pleased interest Pompey's deft manipulations.

to Occurrences 81%

By a cord, let down from the window, he conveys a letter to her, which, the following evening, she answers; and thus a regular correspondence was kept up, which, by the exercise it afforded to their imaginations, and the difficulties attendant upon it, inflamed their passion to the highest pitch.

by Occurrences 50%

" She had also before this time given expression to the better dispositions of her natural heart, saying, "I must do what I can to alleviate the sorrows of others; exert what power I have to increase happiness; try to govern my passions by reason; and adhere strictly to what I think right.

as Occurrences 46%

Charles left the council apparently undecided, and passed the night in as great a storm of passion as the two preceding.

at Occurrences 45%

Even the agitations of the passions at cards are not so great enemies to female charms.

than Occurrences 40%

Those who relied on the refutation of this theory forgot that with poor and suffering men who look to no future, and acknowledge no law but such as is created by their own capricious will and pleasure, envy is even a more powerful passion than greed.

on Occurrences 35%

cried the other, with a flush of passion on his face.

into Occurrences 30%

Marthe Everidge had crossed the tempest-tossed ocean of human passion into the sun-kissed calm of Christ's perfect peace.

from Occurrences 29%

Duty is a stern task-master; and sternness, coming early into one's life, hardens its edges, but does not sap passion from the soul or devotion from the heart.

like Occurrences 18%

From whence is this unjust distinction shown? Are we not formed with passions like your own? Nature with equal fire our souls endued: Our minds as lofty, and as warm our blood.

under Occurrences 15%

It was not the love of God that was active in his soul, but the love of self; and he happened to exhibit his passion under these restrained and deceptive forms, simply because he had been born and educated in a state of society where they composed an integral part of existence.

against Occurrences 14%

He had a passion against all smugglers and buccaneers, and, in days to come, was to do good service in ridding Accomac of these scourges.

without Occurrences 11%

Passion without bounds and without alloy, enthusiasm for the genius of Abélard, jealous care for his reputation, a vigorous intellect, learning sufficient to join in his labors, and an unsullied name.

within Occurrences 8%

She pressed her hand against her bosom, and for an instant the passion within her darted from her eyes and twisted the red, perfectly formed lips.

over Occurrences 8%

The influence of passion over so young a man as Edward might have served as an excuse for his imprudent conduct had he deigned to acknowledge his error or had pleaded his weakness as an apology; but his faulty shame or pride prevented him from so much as mentioning the matter to Warwick; and that nobleman was allowed to depart the court, full of the same ill-humor and discontent which he had brought to it.

through Occurrences 7%

The marriage of the unworthy rival at length relieves her own lover from his imprudent engagement, while her sister, turned wise by precept, example, and experience, transfers her affection to a very respectable and somewhat too serious admirer, who had nourished an unsuccessful passion through the three volumes.

towards Occurrences 6%

It is not impossible that Escalus might also resent that the Husband was particularly negligent of him; and tho he gave many Intimations of a Passion towards the Wife, the Husband either did not see them, or put him to the Contempt of over-looking them.

about Occurrences 6%

Mary says you will be in a passion about them when you come to miss them; but you must study philosophy.

among Occurrences 6%

And finally, personal malice is not a strong passion among us; and our manners render it unlikely that a ruler should come into such collision with any of his subjects as would engender such a feeling.

out Occurrences 4%

One thought of a rather elderly and unfit snake, stirred by the sting of some long-buried passion out of the lassitude of years of slothful self-indulgence, poising to strike....

before Occurrences 4%

Don Juan saw that this young girl was a woman to make a long fight with a passion before yielding to it, so he hoped to keep from her any love but his until after his death.

above Occurrences 3%

Responding to the dominant chord of the nineteenth century, she strove to exalt individuality above sociality, and passion above decorum and usage.

Which preposition to use with  passion