Which preposition to use with philologists

as Occurrences 2%

EHKILI, a dialect of S. Arabia, interesting to philologists as one of the oldest of Semitic tongues.

in Occurrences 2%

Lord Hailes, who is one of the best philologists in Great Britain, who has written papers in The World, and a variety of other works in prose and in verse, both Latin and English, pleased him highly.

of Occurrences 2%

"Since the matter of which we are treating," says the philologist of Salamanca, "is to be verified, first by reason, and then by testimony and usage, none ought to wonder if we sometimes deviate from the track of great men; for, with whatever authority any grammarian may weigh with me, unless he shall have confirmed his assertions by reason, and also by examples, he shall win no confidence in respect to grammar.

into Occurrences 1%

One of the many instances how little the laboured researches of philologists into the origin of languages are to be depended upon, is the variety of opinions entertained by French authors concerning the formation of the Gallic Romance.

than Occurrences 1%

This is the less accountable as, though scanty as regards the number of its species, the natural history of Ireland is full of interest, abounding in problems not even yet fully solved: the very scantiness of its fauna being in one sense, an incentive and stimulus to its study, for the same reason that a language which is on the point of dying out is often of more interest to a philologist than one that is in full life and vigour.

to Occurrences 1%

These observations may probably assist in directing the attention of philologists to the subject of the distribution of the Australian dialects or languages.

Which preposition to use with  philologists