15 Verbs to Use for the Word hons

But let me assure the right hon.

I, at all events, have never taken that view, and I would like to remind my hon.

No one has gone so far as to suggest that the Roll of the House should be called in order to bring back the hon.

The result of that example of public diplomacy no doubt greatly encouraged my hon.

(March 1), and is granted the hon.

He wished not to enter upon the question of the policy pursued by His Majesty's Government with respect to Belgium; but he could not help smiling when he heard an hon.

I suppose this is what led the hon.

Mr. Croker spoke of the "village of Bilston," and the "rural district of Sedgeley," but Sir John Wrottesley maintained that the right hon.

She glanced at it and read: "Hon.

" I could cordially vote for that, only remarking that the hon.

But Sheridan rose, cool and collected, and quietly replied: 'On the particular sort of personality which the right hon.

I must tell my hon.

He eked out his sentences with "hum" and "hah;" he cleared his throat, and flourished his pocket-handkerchief, and sucked his orange; he rounded his periods with "you know what I mean" and "all that kind of thing," and seemed actually to revel in an anti-climax"I think the hon.

I am afraid I must traverse my hon.

Let me beseech my hon.

15 Verbs to Use for the Word  hons