6 adjectives to describe drawbridges

Early next morning I set out alone to explore the strange place, and with much difficulty and some apprehensionfor I did not know how the natives were disposedascended a steep rocky path, at the summit of which a wooden drawbridge leads over a deep abyss to the gate of the city.

The sun was rising as the Sarrions' carriage slowly climbed the incline and clanked across the double drawbridges into the city.

The hall is approached through an entrance gateway, giving access to a fine avenue leading directly up a gentle slope to the moat and main drawbridge of the hall.

The noble castle was enclosed on three sides by the ocean, and on the fourth by walled battlements, "And double mound and fosse, By narrow drawbridge, outworks strong, Through studded gates, and entrance long, To the main court they cross.

A strict watch was preserved; the picturesque drawbridge was lifted and there were lights on the terrace and galleries; men slept within easy reach of their weapons.

There was a rude drawbridge across the moat, and the dwellings around the fort were temporary hovels composed of straw; so suspicious were the occupants of our intentions that they would not allow us access to the interior of the fort.

6 adjectives to describe  drawbridges