5 adjectives to describe fruite

But I could wish I were not alone here in this Conceit, dreaming of Golden Apples, least they prove bitter fruite.

The 7. of December there came another boat abord, bringing certaine fruites, saying that the next day their Gouernour would come to see our shippes.

If it should be so, As tis most false, and that I should be found A bastard issue, the dispised fruite Of lawlesse lust, I should no more admire All my wilde passions: but another truth Shall be wrung from thee: If I could come by The spirit of paine, it should be powr'd on thee, Till thou allowest thy selfe more full of lies Then he that teaches thee.

Here wee euidently and playnly see, in what estimation and regard daunses were among Pagans and infidels, which trulye could not iudge otherwise therof, I speake of them which had the best and more sound iudgement, and which were able to weigh and consider, as well the daunses themselues, as their so pretious fruites, and excellent effectes.

I will entice the greedie-minded soule, To pull the fruite from the forbidden tree; Yet Tantall-like, he shall but glut his eye, Nor feede his body with salubrious fruite.

5 adjectives to describe  fruite