176 adjectives to describe gown

A lady dressed in a loose green gown was seated in an easy-chair before the open fire, and she did not rise as I entered, doubtless because her lap was full of knitting.

His Honour Mr. Justice Hodson entered, and the persons in the court scrambled hurriedly to their feet to pay their tribute of respect to British law, as exemplified in the person of a stout red-faced old gentleman wearing a scarlet gown and black sash, and attended by four of the Sheriffs of London in their fur-trimmed robes.

The Colonel went to see his son a short time afterwards, and found the lad sufficiently well and happy, grinning and laughing in his little black gown and little breeches.

Beyond was another smaller room into which the old nun disappeared for a moment; then she came forth leading a strange wan little figure in a gray gown, a figure whose face was the most perfect and most lovely I had ever seen.

"And ye shall wear no silken gown, No maid shall bind your hair; The yellow broom shall be your gem, Your braid the heather rare.

What are you up to now?" For Nan, instead of wearing the pretty gown which Bumble knew she had brought in her suitcase, was garbed in the complete costume of a trained nurse.

She went up to her room in the clear early light, and stood like a statue, with fixed thoughtful eyes, while Kibble took off her finery, the pretty pale yellow gown which set off her dark brown hair, her violet eyes.

returnto receive thee once more The house of thy Father will open its door, And thou once again, in thy plain russet gown, May'st hear the thrush sing from a tree of its own.

Lady Heyburn, dressed in a smart walking-gown of grey, pushed her fluffy fair hair from her brow, while upon her face was an expression which told of combined fear and anger.

"You say that Miss Molly, 'looking more lovely than ever in her handsome new gown, greeted her guests with a roughish smile.'

She was wearing a light dressing-gown; her long hair was all dishevelled, and her little, white, blue-veined feet peeped out of their velvet slippers.

The eye, roving to and fro, noted here Uncle Tom in a purple dressing gown, there Aunt Dahlia in the old blue and yellow.

Indeed, she put on her most lovely gown with a desire for revenge.

He was an artist in such things, and he realized at once the dainty perfection of her muslin gown and large drooping hat.

And on hearing that Lulu had an errand, added still more sisterly; "Well, but mercy, what you so dressed up for?" Lulu was in a thin black and white gown which they had never seen, and wore the tilting hat with the red wing.

"Miranda is perked out in a wonderful pink gown, and Aunt Dinah has her best turban on her head.

Bag-pipes are not unknown in the Musalman quarters of Bombay; and not infrequently you may watch a crescent of ten or twelve wild Arab sailors in flowing brown gowns and parti-coloured head-scarves treading a measure to the rhythm of the bagpipes blown by a younger member of their crew.

" She was continuing to attend to her hasty dress as she spoke, tying the ribbon at the throat of her gay dressing-gown with careless fingers.

The taylor said, "You bid me make it according to the fashion of the times;" and Katherine said she never saw a better fashioned gown.

But now that John Hammond so obviously admired Lesbia's delicate raiment, poor Mary began to think her woollen gowns odious.

" There was to be an early little dance that night for the young people, and Tilly put on her prettiest gown,a white mull with rose-colored ribbons,and went down to dinner in it, for the dance was an informal affair that was to follow very soon after dinner on account of the youth of most of the dancers.

Amelia's, too, became prettily her modest black gown.

Oh, and in case I choose a light-coloured gown, get me just one very large black velvet orchid, too.' 'Right.

Although old-fashioned, it was plain and very simply made, and would, Patty thought, be less conspicuous than the more elaborate gowns.

Ribbons and laces, smiles and sighs, A knot of vermilion in her hair, Glances where veiled deception lies, A kiss, perchance, on the winding stair, Exquisite gowns and roses rare, Shimmer of silver, gloss of pearl Where is the heart, O woman, where?

176 adjectives to describe  gown