286 adjectives to describe lads

After his father's death he had come, a little lad, to live with Mr. Hawthorne, and every year which had elapsed since then made it grow more dear.

When, then, Harry Esmond came home to Castlewood for his last vacation he found his old pupil shot up into this capricious beauty; her brother, a handsome, high-spirited, brave lad, generous and frank and kind to everybody, save perhaps Beatrix, with whom he was perpetually at war, and not from his, but her, fault; adoring his mother, whose joy he was.

The party consisted of the chieftain and his trembling secretary, a negro servant on horseback, two postilions,one of them a mere lad,and a couple of couriers who were travelling in the same direction.

Rawdon Crawley, then grown a tall, fine lad, blushed when he got the letter.

So the mother smiled on the happy girl, kissed Dick tenderly morning and night, for he had been a hero in their defense, and she was too kindly of heart, too loyal to obligation, to permit Dick's attitude of suitor to lessen her fondness and admiration for the bright, handsome lad.

"I am his brother-in-arms, Rogerkin, and so know him therefore as a wondrous lord, a noble knight, a goodly youth and a sweet lad.

'Tis this powerful God that makes me submit to the Devil, Matrimony; and then thou art assur'd of me, my stout Lads of brisk Debauch.

Love of her wild brother Jim, gone to atone forever for the errors of his youth; love of her father, confessing at last the sad fear that haunted him; love of Dorn, that stalwart clear-eyed lad who set his face so bravely toward a hopeless, tragic fatethese were the burden of the flood of her passion, and all they involved, rushing her from girlhood into womanhood, calling to her with imperious desires, with deathless loyalty.

He seemed an honest, incurious lad, just the one to be trusted in the business.

"Steady, lads, steady!"

That ginger-haired lad is certainly not your Norine's boy.

And the pulses of those gallant lads throbbed with pardonable pride when they realized what magnificent efforts America was making to win the war in favor of the Allies, after entering it so late herself.

"" Well," said the elder lad, "Aw did it so as nobody can lug him.

When, then, Harry Esmond came home to Castlewood for his last vacation he found his old pupil shot up into this capricious beauty; her brother, a handsome, high-spirited, brave lad, generous and frank and kind to everybody, save perhaps Beatrix, with whom he was perpetually at war, and not from his, but her, fault; adoring his mother, whose joy he was.

The big, sturdy, long-legged lad succumbed to the charms of his parentless cousinthe daughter of the minister's brother, who had settled in France and taken to himself a French wifeand he became her defender against those inhabitants of the Manse and the parishfrom his brother Wattie to the pragmatic schoolmasterwhose prejudices she unintentionally outraged.

"'About ten days ago she left him to live with Marti, a healthy, normal lad.

He gave it last night to Mr. M'Aulay's son, a smart young lad about eleven years old.

They are foolish, hot-headed lads, very puffed up by their pride of gentrice, and I do not like the notion of their playing pranks in that tobacco-shed.

For this he was rewarded next morning by Mr. Boswell clapping his head, and telling him that he was a very promising lad, and that if "you go on as you've begun, you may live to be a Bozzy yourself yet.

He was a wonderfully sharp lad, and he began to think the whole matter over, and he recalled the fact that the ghost had spoken good English.

The eldest was the son of a country parson, a mild, decent lad, who eventually deserted and became a house-painter in the South Island of New Zealand.

"No end of scrapes because you're a lively lad and can't help it.

I was at the right end of my file, and at my shoulder was a boy from Morrownest, a slim, white-faced lad, his weak chin trembling from fear, and his eyes staring about so pleadingly I spoke a word of courage to him, whispering in his ear, lest the guard behind might strike.

Four rough lads were gathered round a brown dish, which stood upon a little deal table in the middle of the floor.

The young Marsyas himself never piped to a wilder set of creatures than the uncouth lads and young men that sat in wide-eyed, wide-mouthed astonishment listening to the first song their pretty young schoolmistress sang for them.

286 adjectives to describe  lads