35 Metaphors for messages

In the recent series of national successes, this Message is the best.

His message is "the joy of life ": "...the blackbird sings but a box-wood flute,

Browning's message, on the other hand, is the triumph of the individual will over all obstacles; the self is not subordinate but supreme.

The preacher's message is a book called the Bible.

Her message was invariably the samethe richness and quiet of country life, the depth and peace of rest, the hope that he was well and happy.

Back at the table with the lamp, the message just received became crisp black ash on a brazen tray.

The message was a long cable signed with Laura Fairford's name.

His message was only a blurred sound in my ears.

Against this worship of the beast and his image, and the reception of his mark, the third angel's message of Rev. 14:9-12, is a most solemn and thrilling warning.

[Footnote 13: The messages of February 1 and February 6, 1860, are pocket vetoes.] WASHINGTON CITY, February 1, 1860.

The message is his Majesty's. MANRIQUE.

The third message, then, is a warning against the work of the two-horned beast.

A second categoric message from her husband was the response.

This angel's message is the voice of Jesus to the human race.

The message which he had to give was his mistress's and, therefore, nobody else's business.

The President's message was a practical assurance of immunity from arrest and prosecution for treason.

That message of God to Moses was the greatest Gospel, and good news which was spoken to men, before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

These messages "old Dick" delivered, but wisely refrained from telling how his mother feared he had not chosen wisely, that a young lady with Boston notions was not the wife to make a Western man very happy.

I believe the message of Christmas-day, that thy will is peace on earth, even peace to me, restless and unquiet as I am; and goodwill to men, even to me, the chief of sinners.

The message which he had to give was his mistress's and, therefore, nobody else's business.

"You are the Capuchin friar, Giovanni," exclaimed one of them presently, taking courage of the silence, "what, then, is your message from the Count of Pisa?" "My message, signorè, is thisthat at ten o'clock to-night, the Count of Pisa will have ceased to live.

I confess I am, as you may see by my Garb, Sir, a little Incognito, because the publick Message I bring is very privatewhich is, that the mighty Iredonozor, Emperor of the Moon, with his most worthy Brother, the Prince of Thunderland, intend to sup with you to Night.

He looked up into the sky bright with stars; its great message to him was "Emptiness."

This message is the only extenuating circumstance in the whole guilty affair.

We looked upon the island as the ceremonial place for rites that were stamped out in the groups where the missionary had pushed himself, and the message from Barbara Herndon became a mental piledriver to ram home a thousand doubts that had obtained a footing in our minds.

35 Metaphors for  messages