12 adjectives to describe muleteer

Well I know the tittle-tattle Of the caustic muleteer, And the Simla seismic rattle Is familiar to my ear.

Signor di Picciotto, who accompanied us past the Custom-House barriers, immediately dispatched the delinquent muleteer to bring back the true horse, and the latter made a farce of trying to find him, leading the Consul and the capidji (who, I believe, was at the bottom of the cheat) a wild-goose chase over the hills around Aleppo, where of course, the animal was not to be seen.

It was only a drunken Mexican muleteer leaning against the house; but if he heard nothing, I did.

The River Guadiaro was so high that nobody could cross, and two forlorn muleteers had been waiting eight days at the inn, for the waters to subside.

Well, give me a mule for myself, two mounted muleteers, and two spare animals; some provisions also, and a flask of brandy.

Humility, and dependence on the providence of God, were the pre-dominant sensations even with the rude muleteers, while the pearly exhausted females were just able to express in murmurs their fervent gratitude to the omnipotent power that had permitted its agents so unexpectedly to interpose between them and death.

Meantime Garcia hurried up his train, and hired suitable muleteers for the animals and suitable assassins for the travellers.

To attack it there were seventy ferocious and skilful warriors; to defend it there were twelve timorous muleteers and drivers, four soldiers, and Ralph.

He has provided us with storerooms for our equipment, assisted us in procuring trustworthy muleteers, seen to it that we were not swindled in local purchases of mules and pack saddles, given us invaluable advice in overcoming difficulties, and, in a word, placed himself wholly at our disposal, just as though we were his most desirable and best-paying clients.

These valorous muleteers of the sea defied the enemy in defenseless boats without wireless and without cannons.

The quick-witted muleteer saw the bundle lying where Nino had tossed it, and he picked it up as he ran.

" The worthy muleteer, utterly abashed and confounded by this display of the acolyte's direct simplicity, contented himself by shrugging his shoulders, and a vague "Quien sabe?" "Come," said the boy, gayly, "confess it is only the aguardiente of the Blessed Fisherman thou missest.

12 adjectives to describe  muleteer