25 adjectives to describe producers

Moreover, the imposition of such a tax frequently will, and always may, expose a country to lose this branch of its trade altogether, or to carry it on with diminished advantage, in consequence of the competition of untaxed exporters from other countries, or of the domestic producers in the country to which it exports.

The second line of action is fuller provision of home needs which cannot be satisfied by foreign producers, but are essentially domestic.

A class of blue collared and white collared producers of goods and services who hold their jobs during good behavior.

If there is a real vested interest in existence which entitles to compensation in some form when it is interfered with, it is that of a skilled producer in his trade; for that skill has not only given him a living, but has added to the wealth and prosperity of the community."

The price, then, of a commodity tends roughly to equal its marginal cost of production; and this marginal cost (in perfect symmetry with what we observed as regards marginal utility), may be conceived as applying either to the marginal producer or to the marginal output of any producer.

Every large state in southern India produces cotton, but Bombay and Berar are the principal producers.

Costuming the amateur show; a handbook for amateur producers.

Great portions, therefore, of the actual producers or producing classes are on the margin of subsistence, while the rest of the wealth of the country is absorbed by those trading and dividend-consuming classes of whom I have spoken more than once in previous pages.

There has been forced upon the New South the conclusion that the best way to increase its wealth is to increase the number of educated, intelligent producers, and with this conclusion it realizes that it cannot afford to let two million colored children grow up in hopeless illiteracy.

It aims to reduce labour and divide it more evenly by making the great mass of non-producersthose engaged in distribution, salesmanship, advertising, propaganda, and the furnishing of things unnecessary to the bodily, intellectual and spiritual needs of manactual producers and self-supporting to a very large extent.

Still, I liked the plea for Protection against foreign imports in literature and art by way of helping the native producer, though even here some condensation would, I thought, have sharpened the point.

"Years ago I was a prosperous oil-producer in Ohio.

In form it resembles a revue, but I prefer to call it a play, because it possesses a plot, distinct if slightan encumbrance banned by most revue producers; and because it contains an abundance of honest spontaneous fun.

I think he has just been told that there is a rival cinema producer on board, and he is trying to run him to ground.

All staple producers were engaged in a venturesome business.

Unless you are connected (which you probably are not) with the great firm of Hahn & Lohman, theatrical producers, you never will have heard of Josie Fifer.

This species grows fairly well in some parts of England and Ireland, and is a curious shrub with awl-shaped leaves, and, like the other members of the family, an abundant producer of flowers.

Whereas the full, deep, slow, musical voice of Bull Hunter was a veritable sleep producer.

she's better known all over the country as the cleverest producer of illustrated jingles for advertising we have.

The unexampled and, till 1895, continuous fall of prices in the European markets made it hard for colonial producers to make both ends meet.

The earnings obtained by the more efficient producers brought an early accumulation of capital, and at the same time the peculiar adaptability of all the Southern staples to production on a large scale by unfree labor prompted the devotion of most of the capital to the purchase of servants and slaves.

In the solitary animal, the everyday producers of shock are pain, fright and wounds.

In literature and science as well as in commerce and industry the independent producer is dying out and the official is taking his place.

Most of them are indifferent producers.

And we should add that while industrial producers, like traders, were in general held in low esteem, because most of them were foreigners and freedmen, the producers of earthenware had by accident escaped from the general odium.

25 adjectives to describe  producers