29 adjectives to describe remuneration

The manager of one of the New York City street railways met with complete denial the easy optimism that adequate remuneration will command a sufficient supply of men.

Your very apparel has been purchased from sums of money I have from time to time borrowed from himfor I have not yet met with the increased sale and handsome remuneration for my pictures I was led to expect.

It should not be forgotten that, in consequence of the diversion of a large part of the letter mail to the overland route, the postages derived from the California service have been greatly reduced and afford a wholly inadequate remuneration for the ocean transportation.

These, though professing no devotion to the interest of others, and little that could be called public spirit, did nevertheless understand that in return for the high rank, the great power, and the liberal remuneration they would enjoy, they were bound to consider primarily the public interest in the performance of their functionsthe right of society to just or at least to carefully legal judgment, and diligent efficient administration.

She painted; she illuminated texts; she undertook difficult needlework of various kinds, in answer to advertisements which promised ample remuneration for a few hours' labour.

He received no better treatment than the latter; and as regards pecuniary remuneration, prospects of advancement, and hope of attaining to the position of warrant officer, was, on the whole, in a less favourable position.

Necessarily, Mr. Farmiloe entered into negotiation with the postal authorities; and it was with some little disappointment that he learnt how very modest could be his direct remuneration for the responsibilities and labours he undertook.

The minister received, for the first three years he officiated, the exorbitant remuneration of thirty pounds a year; since which time he has taken the duties of parish schoolmaster, the salary of which, increased by a small sum from Queen Anne's Bounty, enables him to keep body and soul together.

Methods of industrial remuneration 20.

This last verse was very easy to understand, as the women are always anxious to obtain occupation for a lesser remuneration than the qualified guides, who naturally dislike this interference between them and their earnings, although no bad feeling really exists on the matter.

The suggestion of the Postmaster-General that the insurance of the safe transmission of moneys by the mail might be assumed by the Department for a moderate and competent remuneration will deserve the consideration of Congress.

If it be worth your attention in this way I am disposed to think that it will enable me to treble the sum I first offered as a slight remuneration.

Unaccompanied by an increase in the demand for labor, it must result in a diminished remuneration for the individual worker.

The Edinburgh Review had been started only in 1802 by three young men of genius,Jeffrey, Brougham, and Sydney Smith,and had already attained great popularity, but not such marvellous influence as it wielded ten years afterwards, when nine thousand copies were published every three months, and at such a price as gave to its contributors a splendid remuneration, and to its editors absolute critical independence.

When the burden both of the waiting and the positive costs must be borne either by the individual or the family, there are few people who would seriously dispute that this goes to justify, on grounds of fairness as well as of expediency, a higher level of annual remuneration later on; though many people would doubtless argue that the amenities and dignities of the professions should be taken into account on the other side.

Under present conditions the principle of general equality of income, not yet being considered as a serious proposition, it is surely economically right for the teaching profession to claim remuneration sufficient to give it a status corresponding to the worth and dignity of its work.

To this end he sought to carry out his long-cherished idea that the telegraph should become the property of the Government, and he was willing to accept a very modest remuneration.

But this was only the beginning, and Borrow reaped much better remuneration from future editions of the volume.

The producer who borrows capital to employ it in his business, will consent to pay, for the use of it, all that remains of the profits he can make by it, after reserving what he considers reasonable remuneration for the trouble and risk which he incurs by borrowing and employing it.

A man in Quaker costume stepped forward to answer our inquiries, and offered to become our escort to Chicago, to which place he was boundso we dismissed our Indian friend, with a satisfactory remuneration for all the trouble he had so kindly taken for us.

"He has monopolised nearly all the profitable employments, and from those she is permitted to follow she receives but a scanty remuneration.

Sixpence a jokeand it was thought pretty high toowas Dan Stuart's settled remuneration in these cases.

Yet in all the prophecies of dreaming enthusiasts, in all the random guesses of the future conquests over matter, we do not remember any prediction of such an inconceivable wonder, as our neighbor round the corner, or the proprietor of the small house on wheels, standing on the village common, will furnish any of us for the most painfully slender remuneration.

In a co-operative industrial association, is it just or not that talent or skill should give a title to superior remuneration?

After all it is no business of mine; if I have extra labour, as I shall have, I shall have extra experience; and that will be a fair set-off, even if the board of guardians don't vote me an extra remuneration, as they ought to do.

29 adjectives to describe  remuneration