26 adjectives to describe thankfulness

To which the President elect was pleased to make the following reply: I receive, gentlemen, with profound thankfulness this testimony of confidence from the great representative council of our nation.

She, at least, was safe, and the knowledge brought pure thankfulness.

My heart was humbled in reverent thankfulness to the Father of all our mercies, who had graciously preserved us in outward danger, and sustained us in many an inward conflict.

His first feeling was one of intense thankfulness to find that the branch in falling could have only slightly grazed her, as she was lying on the ground untouched by it; but as he raised the motionless figure, and noted a red mark on her forehead which was swelling rapidly, his heart sank within him.

Her heart filled with unspeakable thankfulness that she had put her arms around Camilla's neck at that supreme last moment.

Was there ever such an absurdity uttered, as if my lords, the man who could meet with firm tranquillity and peaceful thankfulness the event itself, was likely to be raised to rebellion and rioting by the recollection of it a year afterwards.

And my heart did leap with an holy joy and an utter great thankfulness; and I was no more in fear of the Tree; for, in verity, there fought for our souls one of those sweet Powers of Goodness, that did strive ever to stand between the Forces of Evil and the spirit of man; and this matter have I shown to you, before this time.

The venerable pair, who stand in the conjugal and parental relations, receive, with calm thankfulness, what is addressed to themselves;the bright-eyed little ones are eager to know what the Apostle says to childrena poor slave blesses God for his portion of the Apostolic counsel;and the scene would be one of unmingled joy, if the writer had but addressed hired servants, as well as slaves.

It is cause of humble thankfulness to the Father of mercies that he has preserved us in the midst of many dangers, and brought us in safety so far back on our way with hearts filled with love and praise.

If so, we must remember that children see, and hear, and think, that often in thoughtless ejaculations, or in those of heartfelt thankfulness, children may hear the name of God; that a simple story may have something that stirs thought; that churches are much in evidence; and that the conversation of little playfellows may take an unexpected turn.

Beatrice, sobbing uncontrollably yet swept with that infinite thankfulness of the redeemed, crept to his side.

A sense of exultation, mingled with sincere thankfulness, gripped the hearts of the two Air Service Boys as they realized that the peril was now really a thing of the past.

O, how shall I render sufficient thankfulness for such a favor, thus to be made once more sweetly to partake of the brook by the way.

In a little more than half a year a wondrous change was effected in the condition of the people, and if it had been possible to search the Oriental mind and to get a free and frank expression of opinion, one would probably have found a universal thankfulness for General Allenby's deliverance of the Holy City from the hands of the Turks.

But for the mail, which we found with unutterable thankfulness at the post-office, I hardly dare think what would have happened to us, to what desperate extremities we might not have been driven, though even the possibilities of despair seem limited in this second-hand tomb of a town...."

She obeyed, sinking down with a vague thankfulness, conscious of great weakness.

There is almost of necessity a certain amount of repetition, as in seasons of depression, when faith and hope seemed to be much obscured, or, on the other hand, when cheerful thankfulness and joy of heart were her portion; and in such places it did not seem right to curtail her words too much.

He was full of devout thankfulness for the good woman by his side, and destined to be thankful to the very end for this companion, so calm, so just, so far-seeing.

A sort of dreary thankfulness blossomed feebly in her heart that the torturous day was over.

Such outrageous scenes took place, that the German order to close some of the cafés was hailed as a boon by the decent citizens, who saw the women expelled by order of the German commandant with enormous thankfulness.

Well, such a one was once written, I have forgotten by whom, but assuredly the heroine of it ought to have been the Altamaha shada delicate creature, so superior to the animal you northerners devour with greedy thankfulness when the spring sends back their finny drove to your colder waters, that one would not suppose these were of the same family, instead of being, as they really are, precisely the same fish.

But while Ray and Chan gazed at him as if he were a spectre from the grave, Beatrice's only impulse was one of immeasurable and unspeakable thankfulness.

And I came up out of the hole, very cautious, and shaken and a moment weak with the beating of my heart; yet with a lovely thankfulness for my salvation.

It ends in these words-fit words for the last utterances of a Christian poet: "I may not tread With them those pathwaysto the feverish bed Of sickness bound; yet, O my God, I bless Thy mercy, that with Sabbath peace hath filled My chastened heart, and all its throbbings stilled To one deep calm of lowliest thankfulness.

And when he rose to his feet Wabi was still silent, and the three gripped hands in mute thankfulness at their deliverance.

26 adjectives to describe  thankfulness