11 adverbs to describe how to daughter

One day, with a daughter and a son of the Weyanoke household aboard, we sailed over to visit the old plantation.

Their daughters, athirst for a new sensation, thrilled at the thought, "Will he talk to us as nobly as he writes?"

Because some of the Greek pictures and carved images had become black through extreme age, it was argued by certain devout writers, that the Virgin herself must have been of a very dark complexion; and in favour of this idea they quoted this text from the Canticles, "I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem."

But she was, after all, Ben Gaynor's daughter and, furthermore, the apple of Ben's eye.

The flowers have retained their remembrance of Josephine's beautiful daughter; they did not, like so many of her own race, deny her when she was no longer the daughter of the all-powerful emperor, but merely the daughter of the "exile."

Obviously a daughter of the well-to-do, one of that American type which flourishes in families to which American politicians unctuously refer as the backbone of the nation.

These women and girls were practically all the daughters of farmers and small professional men.

But I can't say it isn't like you, Bella.' 'Oh, I knew you'd say something like that, mother!' said the daughter, scornfully.

"WHY, WHAT'S THE MATTER, DARLING?" Small daughter (tearfully).

Sang John Copeland: "Long I besought thee, nor vainly, Daughter of Water and Air Charis!

The solicitude of friends and relatives had sought the care of these, and thus Honora became virtually a daughter of Mrs. Seward's house.

11 adverbs to describe how to  daughter  - Adverbs for  daughter