36 adverbs to describe how to evading

She evaded the question skilfully.

Finally, in "Colin Clout's come home again," the poet very dexterously evades the royal anger of Elizabeth, sure to be aroused by the preference of any beauty to her own.

She, apparently, had so far cleverly evaded them; if he could but lead them to her he would not mind so much his own apprehension.

He merely evaded the tax, while he acknowledged the right; and his dissimulation succeeded in blinding the Tartar, who still believed that he held the Grand Prince as a tributary, although he did not receive his tribute.

Mr. Cushing adroitly evades the real matter in issue, and assumes that it is a mere question of the relative amount of federal office secured by the North and the South respectively.

This being satisfactorily answered, he put another question, as to the flux and reflux; which being rather cunningly evaded than artfully solved by that she-Aristotle Mary, who muttered something about its getting up an hour sooner and sooner every day, he sagely replied, "Then it must come to the same thing at last,"which was a speech worthy of an infant Halley!

Thus, from the very first, it seemed to me that Hornby and his friends had very cleverly tricked me for some mysterious purpose, and afterwards ingeniously evaded their watchers and got clean away.

She trembled now, and remembered that she alone of all the party had always unconsciously evaded entering Mr. Raleigh's house, had never seen the house nearer than now, and never been its guest.

The blockade was, to be sure, for some time extensively evaded, admitting English wares of all sorts in great quantities.

Instead of seizing the opportunity to frankly undeceive her he foolishly evaded the subject.

Fortunately the lawyer evaded it with nimbleness; and having escaped to a safe distance hastened to cry, "No malice!

Over and above this general testimony, we have the actual letters of those who were mainly instrumental in carrying it into effect, and it is difficult to read those of Lord Cornwallis without perceiving that he at least regarded the task as a repellent one, and one which as an honourable man he would gladly have evaded had evasion been possible.

What Americans commonly criticize in English statesmen, namely, that they habitually evade all arguments based on natural right, and defend every legal wrong on the ground that it works well in practice, is the precise characteristic of our habitual view of woman.

but it has happily evaded a fishy consummation.

Can the conclusion be evaded that individually and collectively we constantly teeter on the brink of a precipice?

For this reason scarcely any law of our Redeemer is more openly transgressed, or more industriously evaded, than that by which he commands his followers to forgive injuries, and prohibits, under the sanction of eternal misery, the gratification of the desire which every man feels to return pain upon him that inflicts it.

Thus, anthropologists, as a rule, in place of facing and solving their problem, have merely evaded itdoubtless unwittingly.

He evaded laughingly when she asked.

Certainly, I was always seeking for something here I could not findan explanation that continually evaded me.

It is interesting to find many of the facts and arguments of Helper's "Impending Crisis" anticipated in this courageous tract, written under the pressure of a crisis which had just been so narrowly evaded.

] To the ordinary queues we now have to add processions of conscientious disgorgers patriotically evading prosecution.

Usury laws are practically evaded in a number of ways within the letter of the law.

" "Well," continued the lady, smiling, "here the reviewer asserts that Congress passed a law limiting the size of certain ships, in order to please the democracy; and that the Executive privately evaded this law, and built vessels of a much greater size; whereas the provision of the law is just the contrary, or that the ships should not be less than of seventy-four guns; a piece of information, by the way, that I obtained from Mr. Powis.

He is generally understood to mean, "Why do you try to implicate me in a political charge?" and it is supposed that he prudently evaded the question.

Then he left the circus grounds, evading friends and acquaintances purposely.

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