5 collocations for immures

It was that point in the story of the 'Wonderful Lamp', where the false uncle lets fall a stone that seals the mouth of the underground chamber; and immures the boy, Aladdin, in the darkness, because he would not give up the lamp till he stood safe on the surface again.

Marivaux were the chief actors; but, contrary to the custom of Marivaux's comedies, love did not triumph; the worldly mother married her son unhappily, and the blind father, who thought that he could read so well the heart of woman, immured his daughter in a convent.

But the quiet, brooding teacher in the Swiss city which has at one time or another immured so many rare minds, had for years been jotting down his reflections in a private journal.

Olive had lived in Beulah seven years, and knew scarcely any one because of her father's eccentricities and his indifference to the world; but had you immured Nancy in a convent she would have made a large circle of acquaintances from the window of her cell, before a month passed over her head.

What blundering, ferocious god of cruelty had immured in the dungeon of poverty this soul of his that so overflowed with desires?

5 collocations for  immures