50 adverbs to describe how to slaps

cried the Chinese, slapping himself lightly with his delicate hands; but the jeweler continued his laughter.

McNutt slapped the sorrel with the ends of the reins so energetically that the mare broke into a trot, and before the girls had come within speaking distance of their uncle, the agent was well out of sight and exulting in the possession of eleven dollars to pay for his morning's work.

" Within half an hour he was telling Hucks a funny story and slapping the old man upon the back as familiarly as if he had known him for years.

Mayhall began to rub his hands together as though the conflict were close at hand, and the mountaineer slapped one thigh heartily.

The water slapped vigorously against its side, for the tide was running, and above, a wraith-like gull occasionally dropped one creaking, querulous cry.

Then, while a snap of the fingers could have been heard the length of the field, Whipple glanced deliberately around at the backs, slapped the broad back of the center sharply, seized the snapped ball, and made a swift, straight pass to Joel.

cried Joe, affectionately slapping his chum on the back with such energy that the book flew out of the other's hands.

A merchant dining away from home slapped caressingly the hips of the girls who waited upon him, nor concealed his gestures.

The sleet slapped viciously against his windshield and stuck there.

But as he went down stairs his brows were knit, and he slapped the broad railing smartly with his cocked hat as if some irritation must find vent in a more energetic way than merely saying, "Confound the little baggage!" under his breath.

Watching his chance, he would dexterously slap at them with his paws till, one by one, they were knocked down and crushed; then sniffing hard for the latest information, he would stir up the nest gingerly till the very last was tempted forth to be killed.

Sometimes, in the water's depressions, a lull would catch them, then when the wind boomed again over the tops of the crests, slapping fiercely the canvas, a brief period of hazard had to be met.

if he would jump up now and turn an intellectual handspring, or slap me on the back (figuratively, of course: the other would be unthinkable), oryes, swear!

He slapped his horse more forcibly with the loose reins and settled into, mournful silence.

Mrs. Gibbs frantically slapped his hands; and Miss Harris, bending over him, rendered first aid by kissing him wildly.

So saying, he led the way out onto the veranda, where the doctor was aware of a girl in a short riding skirt who stood with one gloved hand on her hip while the other slapped a quirt idly against her riding boots.

"Ho! ho!" chorused his companion, slapping his thigh jovially.

After walking across the room once or twice, with a smothered yawn he took up the fly-clap from behind the doora most unusual proceedingand remarking, 'Where do all these flies come from?' began to slap about, as loudly as possible.

" Coronado, dumb with astonishment and dismay, mechanically slapped his boot with his cane and stared at Garcia.

I abominate the idea of equality, and to be mentally slapped on the shoulder and told I am "a good fellow."

" Seeing the old man's eyes fill with tears, she placed the tampipi on her head and hastily went downstairs, her slippers slapping merrily on the wooden steps.

' 'That's just what I can't feel,' exclaimed the tailor, nervously slapping his knee.

He slapped the breast pocket of his coat a bit obviously, and as his companion slowed to a walk, produced a silver-mounted, seal-covered flask and proffered it at arm's length.

I think I am beginning to find them out,' Mr. Dunborough answered, slapping his boot ominously, 'and my enemies!'

Mr. BENTHAM slapped his forehead passionately, checked something like a sob in his throat, and abruptly returned to the main office.

50 adverbs to describe how to  slaps  - Adverbs for  slaps