21 Metaphors for variations

Such variation is very largely the result of rate of growth.

The only variation in the flatness of the land is the overworked ditches which try to drain it.

These great variations are alone a proof of bad tillage

Now, if climate has any influence on the mucous substance of the body, this variation in the children from the colour of their parents is an event, which must be reasonably expected: for being born white, and not having equally powerful causes to act upon them in colder, as their parents had in the hotter climates which they left, it must necessarily follow, that the same affect cannot possibly be produced.

Occasional variations of attitude and action were introducedat first, a rare innovation; ere long, a custom, a fashion.

"Adjectives, in our language, have neither case, nor gender, nor number; the only variation they have, is comparison."Buchanan cor.

Variations of this kind have been an important feature of the economic history of Australasia, where sheep farming is the leading industry.

"Adjectives, in our language, have neither case, nor gender, nor number; the only variation they have, is comparison."Buchanan cor.

Cases in which it is impracticable to make any variation in the proportions in which different things are used together are, however, the exception rather than the rule.

The variation of the compass I found by several amplitudes to be 2 degrees 30 minutes west.

" Another variation of the same adage in Kent is, "A plum year, a dumb year," and, "Many nits, many pits," implying that the abundance of nuts in the autumn indicates the "pits" or graves of those who shall succumb to the hard and inclement weather of winter; but, on the other hand, "A cherry year, a merry year."

This species has varied very much, principally through the influences of culture and crossing, the three principal and marked variations being size, colour, and clothing of the calyx tube.

She played with a marvelous power one part, and all others were but variations of that or failuresit was not art which dominated her, but the simulation of nature, and that her own, which is not the same thing as art, as we all ought to know.

Variation and resemblance are large issues, crucial material of the science of biology upon which much has been thought and written.

The latitude was measured with imperfect astrolabes, or wooden quadrants, and calculated from very deficient tables; the variation of the compass, moreover, was almost unknown, as well as the use of the log.

In the 'History,' a bold and well-aimed attack, he displays, with a happy mixture of narrative and argument, the faults and follies, the changes and contradictions of our first reformers: whose variations (as he dexterously contends) are the mark of historical error, while the perpetual unity of the Catholic Church is the sign and test of infallible truth.

Next day, when they had run fifty leagues farther westward, the needle was observed to vary half a point to the eastward of north, and next morning the variation was a whole point east.

Internal secretion traits are inherited, and variations in heredity are essentially the structural representation of the resultant of a parallelogram of forces exerted by each of the parental prepotent glands.

Nam nunquam era errans mea domo efferret pedem Medea, animo aegra, amort saevo saucia.- The variations of the translation from the original are instructive not only its tautologies and periphrases, but also the omission or explanation of the less familiar mythological names, e. g. the Symplegades, the Iolcian land, the Argo.

The variation is 0 degrees 12 minutes West.

The variation observed by Captain Cook off Mount Upstart was 9 degrees East; but by an Azimuth observed by me close to the Cape, it was found not more than 6 degrees 16 minutes East.

21 Metaphors for  variations