5 collocations for grape

5. EARS OF WHEAT in the hand of the Infant (as in a lovely little Madonna by Ludovico Caracci) figured the bread in the Eucharist, and GRAPES the wine.

] MEPHISTOPHELES (with strange gestures) Grapes the vine-stock bears, Horns the buck-goat wears!

Fus', when de grapes 'uz gethered, de knots begun ter straighten out'n Henry's ha'r; en w'en de leaves begin ter fall, Henry's ha'r 'mence' ter drap out; en when de vimes 'uz bar', Henry's head wuz baller 'n it wuz in de spring, en he begin ter git ole en stiff in de j'ints ag'in, en paid no mo' 'tention ter de gals dyoin' er de whole winter.

There was cheese-cakes that she made after a little secret of her own; an' a bowl of junket, an inch deep in cream, that bein' his pet dish; an' all kind o' knick-knacks, wi' grapes an' peaches, an' apricots,

He succeeded in isolating a substance corresponding in its chemical composition to grape sugar, and also a carbo-hydrate differing considerably from grape sugar, and turning the plane of polarization to the left.

5 collocations for  grape