41 collocations for knowe

Come, I doe knowe your practyse gaynst my life, And ment my selfe t'have easd myne injuryes; But nowe thys act hathe given you to the lawe And saved me from all daunger.

I have bin hitherto so greate a stranger To these unus'd temptations that in truthe I knowe not howe to take this.

And men witen wel, that men duellen there: but thei knowe not what men.

Qui monet, vt facias, quod iam facis, you knowe the rest.

I knowe the busines, syr, if in that place These are the too distressed wrecks at sea We sawe this morninge floatinge, sweeter guerles I never yet sett ey on, and opprest By too ill lookeinge raskells that to warme them Wisht all the towne a bonefire Ashb.

Now that we haue spoken of the three principle actes of Legerdemayne and of confederacy, I will go forward, and touch some fewe ordinary feates, which are pretty, yet not altogether to be compared with the rest; I meane for conceipt and nimblenes of the hand, yet such as to the ignorant, and those that knowe not the carriage, will seeme strange and wonderfull.

You knowe the charackter & the whole scope

You fyrst shall knowe my soule hath deeplye vowed My love and servyce to your excellent selfe.

"O Socrates, thou stedfast champion; She ne might nevir be thy turmentour, Thou nevir dreddist her oppression, Ne in her chere foundin thou no favour, Thou knewe wele the disceipt of her colour, And that her moste worship is for to lie, I knowe her eke a false dissimulour, For finally Fortune I doe defie."CHAUCER.

Wel cowde he knowe a draugte of London ale.

"O Socrates, thou stedfast champion; She ne might nevir be thy turmentour, Thou nevir dreddist her oppression, Ne in her chere foundin thou no favour, Thou knewe wele the disceipt of her colour, And that her moste worship is for to lie, I knowe her eke a false dissimulour, For finally Fortune I doe defie."CHAUCER.

Fayth, it will not neede, I knowe my ende of journey.

I will knowe [Ex. Eudon.

I will knowe [Ex. Eudon.

I knowe no fish of that name; limpet, mullet, conger, dolphin, sharke I knowe, and place; I woold som body else had thyne; for hearinge I woold thou hadst none, nor codd; for smelt thou art too hott in my nose allredy; but such a fishe cald Syrra never came within the compasse of my nett.

How shall wee knowe thou art flesh and blood then?

The best hope I have is; you knowe my Guest Mistris Gettica, she has pawnd her Jewels to me already, and this night I look for her Hood and her tyer, or if the worst chance, I know I can intreate her to weare my cloathes, and let me goe in her attire to Court.

I dare not confesse that, least I should compare with him in excellence, but to know a man wel, were to knowe himselfe.

let the World, That lives without a hart, and is but showe, Stand on her empty, and impoisoned forme, I knowe thy kindenesse and have seene thy hart Clest

He that knowes Love knowes well that every hower Love's glad, Love's sad, Love's sweet Sis.

I knowe the lord that wants it and the mayster that owes it; boath howe it was lost and where it was lost.

, Would I were thine Uncle to thine owne content, Ide make thy husbands state a thousand, better A yearlie thousand, thou hast mist a man, (But that he is addicted to his studie, And knowes no other Mistresse than his minde) Would weigh down bundles of these emptie kexes.

The 24 we were past Ragusa 14 miles, and there we mette with two Venetian ships, which came from Cyprus, we thought they would haue spoken with vs, for we were desirous to talke with them, to knowe the newes of the Turkes armie, and to haue sent some letters by them to Venice.

I knowe tharte noble & a man of warre, One that hathe feard

And therefore crav'd to come unto the King, To let him knowe the order of the thing.

41 collocations for  knowe