276 examples of abdicating in sentences

The King seemed still in perplexity, and said he should prefer to abdicate.

Some urged the King to abdicate in favor of the Comte de Paris; others vigorously opposed such a relinquishment of power in presence of the insurrection.

But you required them not; Content to reign your little while Ere, abdicating with a smile, You pass'd into a shade, a shade Immortaland f

At first the crown was offered to his brother, the Grand Duke Michael, but inside of twenty-four hours he declined it, also abdicating formally.

Thus, Raymond Berenger, Count of Barcelona and Provence, at a very advanced age, abdicating his throne and shaking off the ensigns of royal authority, retired to the house of the Templars at Barcelona, and pronounced his vows (1130) before Brother Hugh de Rigauld, the prior.

"She would always be abdicating in favor of some one who had an equal right to it," laughed Pauline Hayes.

In other words, he grants you the right of abdicating and of crowning him.

And Christianity accepts the tribute which even Pagan civilization offers for the adornment of our race,expelled from Paradise, and doomed to hard and bitter toils,without abdicating her more glorious office of raising the soul to heaven.

Impelled by these motives, and others, perhaps, which are and must ever remain unknown, Charles at length decided on abdicating the whole of his immense possessions.

If they suffered their business to be done by such means, they were abdicating their trust and character, and making way for an entire abolition of their functions, which they were parting with one after another, Thus: Star after star goes out, and all is night.

He was not alone in this error, for it has generally been the ambition of fortunate authors to acquire social as well as literary distinction,thus paying tribute to riches, and virtually abdicating their own true position, which is higher than any that rank or wealth can give.

The Duke of Brunswick does not much like abdicating.

Clear thinking makes clear writing, and he who has shown himself so eminently capable of it in one case is not to be supposed to abdicate intentionally in others.

Upon Marcellus's abdicating his office, Fabius Maximus, for the third time, was elected in his room.

Thus abdicating his original purpose, and probably feeling much as William III.

As slavery is the foundation of political power in this country, its friends cannot abandon their ideas without abdicating their position.

"The reluctant pangs of abdicating Royalty," wrote Charles Lamb in a famous passage, "furnished hints which Shakespeare scarcely improved in his Richard II; and the death scene of Marlowe's King moves pity and terror beyond any scene, ancient or modern, with which I am acquainted."

M. de Moret, whose impetuosity always carried him into the heart of the mêlée, was the first to charge the royal cavalry, among whom he created a panic which threw them into the utmost disorder; and this circumstance was no sooner ascertained by Montmorency than, abdicating his duties as a general, he dashed forward at the head of a small party to second the efforts of his friend.

Serbia even in those days was essentially and uncompromisingly democratic, but even so Milo[)s] obstinately refused to carry out the provisions of the constitution or in any way to submit to a curtailment of his power, and in 1839 he left his ungrateful principality and took refuge in Rumania, where he possessed an estate, abdicating in favour of his elder son Milan.

"Do not waste your time in deliberating," said his French advisers; "you must go and take possession of the throne of France without abdicating that of Poland: go at once and without fuss."

Received with open arms by the governor, my lord Marshal (Keith), he wrote thence to the premier syndic Favre a letter abdicating his rights of burghership and citizenship in the town of Geneva.

In seeking political power, are we abdicating that social throne where they tell us our influence is unbounded?

Some days later M. D'Iberville's canoe fleet, returning down the river, found and took from the shore the two men, whom they had given up for dead, and with them, by her own request, the abdicating queen, who left behind her a crowd of weeping and howling squaws and warriors.

If they suffered their business to be done by such means, they were abdicating their trust and character, and making way for an entire abolition of their functions, which they were parting with one after another.

The city councilors went about at an abdicating, slow gait; even the omnipotent beadle looked as though he had had no more commands to give, and stood calmly indifferent, although the crazy Aloysius again stood upon one leg and chattered the names of French generals, with foolish grimaces, while the tipsy, crooked Gumpertz rolled around the gutter, singing, "Ça ira!

276 examples of  abdicating  in sentences