40 adjectives to describe brats

"ANSWER ME, YOU LITTLE BRAT!" She reached her arms out of the mirror, grabbed him, and shook him hard.

One of the most striking passages in some memoranda which he has left of his early days, is where, in speaking of his own sensitiveness on the subject of his deformed foot, he described the feeling of horror and humiliation that came over him when his mother, in one of her fits of passion, called him a "lame brat.

McGarry, his mouse and the redheaded brat.

Not only the spiteful mother that conceiveth such spurious brats, but the midwife that helpeth to bring them forth, the nurse that feedeth them, the guardian that traineth them up to maturity, and setteth them forth to live in the world; as they do really contribute to their subsistence, so deservedly they partake in the blame due to them, and must be responsible for the mischief they do.

Richard, that vile abortive changeling brat, And Fauconbridge, are fallen at Henry's feet.

I can see the place now, the sunset on the hill; the dirty brat playing in the dust!the luck has stood by me.

I love her, and I love you, you pitiful, ignorant brat.

An imbecilean awkward, ill-mannered brat who is only fit for a stable-boy!

An imbecilean awkward, ill-mannered brat who is only fit for a stable-boy!

"What the devil are you mischievous brats doing there?" The whole party jumped violently at the suddenness of the attack.

If, instead of the smooth prayers which they do pray, they should speak out the things which they really feel, they would say, when they go home at night, 'O Lord, I met a poor curmudgeon of yours to-day, a miserable, unwashed brat, and I gave him sixpence, and I have been sorry for it ever since'; or, 'O Lord, if I had not signed those articles of faith, I might have gone to the theatre this evening.

And he didn't have many, I'll let you know; He hated a dog and disgusted a cat, But he'd run off his legs for a motherless brat,

For we had looked to find a city in keeping with these surroundings,of fairy palaces and stately mansions; in place whereof was nought but a wilderness of mean, low, squalid houses, with meandering, ill-paved alleys, and all past everything for unsavoury smells,heaps of refuse lying before every door, stark naked brats of children screaming everywhere, and a pack of famished dogs snapping at our heels.

"Hah, then," says he, "that tedious dear nagging woman and that priceless snub-nosed brat may not be real.

Neither did Ian forget the imps quickly, as some children do their impressions, but strove to model them this morning, making round snow bodies, carrot horns, corncob legs, and funny celery tails; the result being positively startling and "overmuch like witch brats," as Effie declared, with bulging eyes.

"The pesky brats," he muttered to himself; "we've got to do something to put them out of the race.

I love her, and I love you, you pitiful, ignorant brat.

"Hah, then," says he, "that tedious dear nagging woman and that priceless snub-nosed brat may not be real.

And dare The[21a] puny brats of Momus threaten war? And can't the proud perverse Arachne's fate Deter the[21a] mongrels e'er it prove too late?

"I will never, never speak to you any more so long as I live, rude boycommon street brat!"

"Clear out o' here, ye sassy little brat!"

His the true fire, When they like Glo-worms, being touch'd, expire, 'Twas first beleev'd, because he alwayes was, The Ipse dixit, and Pythagoras To our Disciple-wits; His soule might run (By the same-dream't-of Transmigration) Into their rude and indigested braine, And so informe their Chaos-lump againe; For many specious brats of this last age Spoke FLETCHER perfectly in every Page.

Oughta known better'n to marry a woman with a spoiled brat.

Herald behaved like a spoilt brat throwing tantrums.

For we had looked to find a city in keeping with these surroundings,of fairy palaces and stately mansions; in place whereof was nought but a wilderness of mean, low, squalid houses, with meandering, ill-paved alleys, and all past everything for unsavoury smells,heaps of refuse lying before every door, stark naked brats of children screaming everywhere, and a pack of famished dogs snapping at our heels.

40 adjectives to describe  brats