186 examples of baptising in sentences

The parish-book in which the number of the baptised is to be seen, confirms this observation.'

Baptise me, I pray thee, with the fountain, before my senses are gone.

A warrior appeared before me with a threatening countenance, holding a sword in my face, and saying in an imperious voice, 'Obey the commands of the child's mother and of me, and baptise it.

Baptise me, I beseech thee.

Besides, remission of sins is to be preached, not to a few, but universally to all men, "Go therefore and tell all nations, baptising them," &c. Matt. xxviii.

"He has been conquering and baptising the world, east and west," said the demon, "and is now in Egypt with Ricciardetto.

With that rationalism which religious sects are so skilful in applying to some unimportant point of ritual, and so careful not to apply to vital questions of dogma, the Baptists reasonably argue that to baptise an unthinking infant, and, by an external rite which has no significance except as the symbol of an internal decision, declare him a Christian, is nothing more than an idolatrous mummery.

Holding the hands of the new communicant, the minister, in a solemn voice, would say, "Sister," or "Brother, on confession of your faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I baptise thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

They seemed to come with a special personal tenderness, "Sister, on confession of your faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I baptise thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Having converted the chieftain or head of the tribe the missionary had but to instruct and baptise the tribesmen and to erect churches for them.

The latter said to him:"Let the young priest there who was ordained to-day baptise the child."

Having converted the chieftain or head of the tribe the missionary had but to instruct and baptise the tribesmen and to erect churches for them.

Declan said to the people [his "muinntear," or following]: "Wait here till I baptise yonder child," for it was revealed by the Holy Ghost to him that he [the babe] should serve God.

The latter said to him:"Let the young priest there who was ordained to-day baptise the child."

Others had pushed on to the Rocky Mountains, and to the huge wilderness of the north-west, preaching, bartering, cheating, baptising, swayed by many motives and holding only in common a courage which never faltered and a fertility of resource which took them in safety past every danger.

A little girl was born to Aga yesterday, and I was sent for to baptise it.

The same work notices a breach of the unity of design in Paul Veronese, "qui dans la partie droite d'un de ses tableaux, a represente Jesus Christ benissant l'eau, dont il va être baptise par St. Jean Baptiste; et dans la partie gauche notre Seigneur tente par le diable."Upon

Then they drug him to the bank, one on each side, and says, 'We baptise you in the holy name of Brockman,' and in they dumped himbackwards, mind you!

We baptise you in the name of James K. Polk, President of the United States!'

Below him in the stream another Elder still waited to baptise a man and woman; but those who had been above him in the river were gone, and his own work was done.

To all, sooner or later, Christ comes to baptise them with fire; with the bitter searching affliction which opens the very secrets of their hearts, and shows them what their souls are really like, and parts the good from the evil in them, the gold from the rubbish, the wheat from the chaff.

We had no baptising, we were christened by the white preacher.

Even Peter, the old fisherman, attracted by the laughter, left his porter's lodge and came to upbraid me for the trick you have played on his priests, taking away from them all their parishes, regardless of the fact that they had been in these islands long before you, and that they were the first to baptise in Cebu and in Luzon.

I will absolve you and baptise you.

The consequence of this event was, that when the news spread that Christians had landed in Cuba, the Comendador's neighbours, who were his bitter enemies, and had often made war upon him, sent to Enciso asking for priests to baptise them.

186 examples of  baptising  in sentences