Do we say bewilderment or wonderment

bewilderment 551 occurrences

For quite a minute we stood in silence, staring in bewilderment at the sight; then my friend went forward cautiously to the edge of the abyss.

I have a remembrance of cursing, peevishly, in my bewilderment.

I had a moment of bewilderment.

At this time, I remember, an extraordinary sense of bewilderment took me.

It was later, that I came out of my bewilderment.

I gave vent to an ejaculation of complete bewilderment, and looked blankly into my companion's face.

Old Benares, across on his trapeze, regarded his partner in bewilderment.

"And to think that you were a Pelham,one of Agnes's wonderful Pelhams all the time," put in Tilly, still with an air of bewilderment.

But just now, in her first bewilderment, it seemed that nothing could ever excuse that lack of understanding which had made this declaration possible!

He see Misses O." For an instant I stared at this cryptic message in bewilderment; then suddenly the recollection of my final instructions to Gertie 'Uggins rushed into my mind.

As for von Brünig, he stood where he was, staring from one to the other of us in angry bewilderment.

He looked at his hand, and then at me, in bewilderment.

The widespread confusion with the poet of the rhetorician and sentimentalist in verse, and again of the mere rhymer without even rhetoric, not to refer to finer differentiation of error, is also a fruitful source of bewilderment.

" I looked at my aunt's face and listened to her voice in bewilderment.

" Señor Alvarez opened his eyes, and stared about him in bewilderment; then alarm overspread his face, and he made spasmodic efforts to reach the inside breast pocket of his coat.

" Angela went out on the veranda, feeling' a little tense and excited, but when a small, blue-frocked, gray-hatted figure, dejectedly lost in a big rocking-chair, was pointed out to her, excitement died while bewilderment grew.

Through the quiet of that morning hour, soothing words, and strong, she felt and knew to speak; and when at last she hurried away from the city to the fields, she was stronger than of nature, able to bear witness to the faith that speaks from the bewilderment of its distresses, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.

"Just so," muttered Sophia, in bewilderment.

He is never heard of afterwards,or, if found, is discovered in a remote angle or loft, in a state of insensibility from bewilderment and starvation.

" Ally simply stared at him in her white bewilderment.

" She did not look at him as she spoke, so she missed his bewilderment.


The phrase, The Door of Bewilderment, had never ceased to reiterate itself in my mind.

The wood of the door was fresh and white, but burned deep on the surface, in this order, were the words: THE DOOR OF BEWILDERMENT

I knew him well enough to be sure he would not leave the spot until he had found what lay behind the Door of Bewilderment.

wonderment 198 occurrences

" Forthwith up rose Walkyn and summoning divers of his company strode away down stream, what time Giles, staring after him in wonderment, thereafter shook his head at Roger.

After he shall have realised this to himself, and after the tension of his soul in ranging through the universe and through space shall have kindled hope after hope, wonderment and aspiration after aspiration and wonderment, then indeed will he need to keep his heart light, lest it make him sink at the contemplation of his own nullity.

After he shall have realised this to himself, and after the tension of his soul in ranging through the universe and through space shall have kindled hope after hope, wonderment and aspiration after aspiration and wonderment, then indeed will he need to keep his heart light, lest it make him sink at the contemplation of his own nullity.

Filled with wonderment as to why I had been sent for, I halted at the foot of the steps gazing about the dreary interior, surprised at its positive dinginess.

He looked at her in wonderment; Gloria misread the look in his eyes and for a terrible moment thought that he was dying.

To those who note the methods by which many children are managed, it is a matter of wonderment that the results in character and conduct are not very much worse than they are.

He told them, growing wonderment in his gaze.

But Mrs. Freg did not come and did not come, until at last he opened his eyes, just in wonderment.

"'The end of Tragedies or serious Plays,' says ARISTOTLE, 'is to beget Admiration [wonderment], Compassion, or Concernment.'

And there he broods in wonderment On the celestial glory sent Through the rough loopholes, on the golden bloom That waves above the cornice on the wall, Where lately dwelt the echoes of the room; And drinking in the yellow lights that lie Upon the ivy tapestry.

Behind my father's house there lies A little grassy brae, Whose face my childhood's busy feet Ran often up in play, Whence on the chimneys I looked down In wonderment alway.

Some men I have beheld with wonderment, Noble in form and feature, God's design, In whom the thought must search, as in a mine, For that live soul of theirs, by which they went Thus walking on the earth.

Even this verse, vowd to eternity, Shall be thereof immortall moniment, And tell her praise to all posterity, That may admire such worlds rare wonderment; The happy purchase of my glorious spoile, Gotten at last with labour and long toyle.

"I, who had hitherto been lonely, deserted, homeless," he wrote, "suddenly found myself loved, admired, by many even regarded with wonderment."

And truly, as I did carry her, the Maid did make remark of her wonderment concerning me, in that I did be so hard of my body and set in the determination of my mind.

In nearly every one of these faces a sort of cow-like bewilderment expresses itselfnot grief, not even resentment, but merely a stupefied wonderment at the astounding fact that their town, rather than some other town, should be the town where the soldiers of other nations come to fight out their feud.

But our poet, we believe, did not stop with these ambiguous indications of her birthplace and family; he had promised her to immortalize the triumph of his passion, and to leave to all posterity a monument of the "rare wonderment" of the lady's beauty.

Here his worshipers halted in wonderment, but he kept on to the corner and out of sight.

Heady received the ball without obstruction, and by a quick overhead fling landed it in the high basket, and scored the first point, while applause and wonderment were loud in the gallery.

Thus he moveth, with such gesture, e'en as boy himself announcing Future master of all beauty, through whose limbs, whose every member, Flow the melodies eternal: and so shall ye hearken to him, And so shall ye gaze upon him, to your special wonderment.

Those who knew Katie best, Mrs. Prescott in particular, kept watching her in wonderment.

Hubert watched in wonderment this girl, so weak and languid in her own nature, awaking only to life when she assumed the personality of another.

I'd say the devil couldn't do that!" He said nothing more, but went out to lead in the hobbled horses, leaving Aldous in half-stunned wonderment to finish the preparation of breakfast.

He was telescoping his long glass as he spoke, and while Aldous was still staring toward the gorge in wonderment and a little fear, he added: "We'd better follow.

"I know that tune," he said, gazing at Dorothy in a sort of huge wonderment.

Do we say   bewilderment   or  wonderment