29 examples of galant in sentences

They are not literature but express what was in the mind of the famous scientist: "Elle a cinq instruments dont je suis amoureux, Les deux premiers, ses mains, les deux autres, ses yeux; Pour le dernier de tous, et cinquième qui reste, Il faut être galant et leste.

In time, no doubt, justice will be done everyone; tempo è galant uomo; but it is as late and slow in arriving as in a court of law, and the secret condition of it is that the recipient shall be no longer alive.

Ce prince galant et libéral, qui déjà lui avait prouvé son amour par le don d'une infinité de maisons de campagne, aux environs de Paris, voulut encore lui donner une preuve de sa tendresse, en bâtissant pour elle, à deux cents toises de l'ancien château, une nouvelle et belle habitation, qu'on appela le Château Neuf.

Fac-simile of a Woodcut of the "Sandrin ou Verd Galant," facetious Work of the End of the Sixteenth Century (edition of 1609).

One is reminded now and then of the German captain quartered at Sedan, in Zola's "Debacle," who, while conscious of the strength behind him, yet wanted his involuntary hosts to know that he, too, had been to Paris and knew how to be a galant homme.

The Mantua has no Leads in the Sleeves, and I hope we are not lighter than the French Ladies, so as to want that kind of Ballast; the Petticoat has no Whale-bone; but fits with an Air altogether galant and degagé: the Coiffeure is inexpressibly pretty, and in short, the whole Dress has a thousand Beauties in it, which I would not have as yet made too publick.

Added to these absurdities there were, moreover, bows of ribbon, each of which had its appropriate name and position; the galant was placed on the summit of the head; the mignon on the heart; the favori under and near the assassin; and the badin on the handle of the fan.

The judgment of French poets on these points may be inferred from the tenour of Boileau's admonitions: Gardez donc de donner, ainsi que dans Clélie, L'air ni l'esprit françois à l'antique Italie; Et, sous des noms romains faisant notre portrait, Peindre Caton galant, et Brutus dameret.

Henry of Navarre (Le Vert-Galant) Translated by James Lewis May.

Henry of Navarre (Le Vert-Galant) Translated by James Lewis May.

If the Reader will be at the trouble to see Examples of it, let him look into the new Mercure Galant; where the Author every Month gives a List of Rhymes to be filled up by the Ingenious, in order to be communicated to the Publick in the Mercure for the succeeding Month.

The Mantua has no Leads in the Sleeves, and I hope we are not lighter than the French Ladies, so as to want that kind of Ballast; the Petticoat has no Whale-bone; but fits with an Air altogether galant and degagé: the Coiffeure is inexpressibly pretty, and in short, the whole Dress has a thousand Beauties in it, which I would not have as yet made too publick.

He is very galant, and professes great satisfaction in his fortune, for he had not even seen her picture.

beau garçon, et même galant homme.

Ce n'est point une exhortation pieuse, ce ne sont point des sentiments dévots que vous allez entendre; non, je vais seulement tâcher de vous tenir les discours d'un galant homme, sujet à ses sens aussi bien que vous; faible, et, si vous voulez, vicieux; mais chez qui les vices et les faiblesses ne sont point féroces, et ne subsistent qu'avec l'aveu d'une humanité généreuse.

This artifice is not absolutely new to the French stage, and it is possible, as Fleury thinks, that the idea of the double disguise may have been borrowed from a short play by Legrand, le Galant Coureur, The situation, most difficult to handle successfully, is treated with inimitable skill by Marivaux, especially that of the two lovers, whose disguise as servants is not enough to guarantee their hearts.

Monsieur un tel a l'air d'un galant homme, d'un homme bien raisonnable, disoit-on tous les jours d'Ergaste.

Oui, le galant Bourguignon.

Le galant Bourguignon, dont je ne savois pas l'épithète, ne me parle pas de lui. M. ORGON.

Ma foi, monsieur de Lépine, vous êtes très galant, oh!

Madame est bonne et sage; mais prenez garde: ne trouvez-vous pas que ce petit galant- fait les yeux doux? MARTON.

Nous n'en devons rien craindre non plus, Monsieur. Allez, ne vous inquiétez point, c'est un galant homme; et, si la mère n'en est pas contente, c'est un peu de sa faute: elle a débuté tantôt par le brusquer d'une manière si outrée, l'a traité si mal, qu'il n'est pas étonnant qu'elle ne l'ait point gagné.

Vos gens ne vous font pas peindre, vos gens ne se mettent point à contempler vos portraits, vos gens n'ont point l'air galant, la mine doucereuse.

Vous lui trouvez l'air galant, dites-vous?

Bon voyage au galant.

29 examples of  galant  in sentences