65 examples of gauche in sentences

It was really an Orleanist salon, as they were devoted friends of the Orleans family, but one saw all the moderate Republicans there and the centre gauche (which struggled so long to keep together and be a moderating influence, but has long been swallowed up in the ever-increasing flood of radicalism) and a great many literary men, members of the Institute, Academicians, etc.

The two centres, centre droit and centre gauche, had everything in their hands as the great moderating elements of the Assembly, but the conflicting claims of the various parties, Legitimist, Orleanist, Bonapartist, and advanced Left, made the question a very difficult one.

Gauche, in the famous "fusion" which had been a dream of the moderate men.

She believed you were as gauche as that.

For want of such a man, the instructed Radicals sank into a mere Côté Gauche of the Whig party.

Sinistrality N. sinistrality^; left, left hand, a gauche; sinister, nearside^, larboard, port.

He felt shocked and ashamed when first his own baseness flashed across him: but the bait was too pleasant to be left easily: and, after all, he was trying to say to his guest what he knew his guest would like; and what was that but following those very rules of good society, for breaking which Lucia was always calling him gauche and morose?

His way through Misses picking, Like pig with tender pettitoes, Or chicken-hearted chicken; A tom-cat shod with walnut-shells, A pony race in pattens, A wagon-horse tricked out with bells, A sow in silks and satins, A butcher's hair en papillote, And lounging Piccadilly, A clown in an embroidered coat, Are not more gauche and silly.

And we used to laugh at him together, behind his back, and christened him the wild Indian, because he was so gauche and shy.

How very gauche and rude of him; so unlike him, too!

So gaby, which Mr. Wedgwood (p. 84) would connect with gäwisch, (Fr. gauche,) is derived immediately from O. Fr.

"What sort of fellow is this Kimberley?" "Well, he seems to be a shy little man, gauche, andandunderbred, even for his late position.

The queen, however, was quick to see what was gauche, and did not scruple to reprove them for uncourtly manners.

The same work notices a breach of the unity of design in Paul Veronese, "qui dans la partie droite d'un de ses tableaux, a represente Jesus Christ benissant l'eau, dont il va être baptise par St. Jean Baptiste; et dans la partie gauche notre Seigneur tente par le diable."Upon

AVOIR LA MAIN E, être gauche, inepte.

(2. serie: Rive gauche)

Quand il eut reçu la réponse des Arabes, il nous assembla devant la chapelle qui est à l'entrée et à la gauche de l'église de Saint Sépulcre.

le chemin est réduit uniquement à ce qu'il faut pour le passage des chevaux tout le reste, à gauche, dans une largeur et une longueur d'une lieue environ, ne présente qu'un amas immense de cailloux pareils à ceux de rivière, et dont la plupart sont gros comme des queues de vin.

He was clumsy and gauche in his movements as he took the hand which Mistress Endicott extended to him, but he tried to imitate the salute which he had seen his employer give on the flatnot very cleanfinger-tips of the lady.

A gauche, to the left.

Chassez à droiteà gauche, move to the rightto the left.

Figurez à droiteà gauche, dance to the rightto the left.

Cheminée au plan de gauche.

Guéridon à gauche.

droite. SCÈNE I Au lever du rideau, CHARLES, en livrée élégante et tenant à la main des lettres et des journaux, est debout devant un chevalet placé à gauche du public.

65 examples of  gauche  in sentences