21 examples of specific for in sentences

that the same noise which would occasion deafness in some, should be a specific for it in others!

The sound of the flute was likewise a specific for the bite of a viper, according to Theophrastus and Democritus, whose authority Aulus Gellius gives for his belief of the fact.

For the same reason, the aspen, from its constant trembling, has been held a specific for this disease.

A rustic specific for whooping-cough in Hampshire is to drink new milk out of a cup made of the variegated holly; while in Sussex the excrescence found on the briar, and popularly known as "robin red-breast's cushion," is in demand.

" The juice of fumitory is said to clear the sight, and the kennel-wort was once a popular specific for the king's-evil.

The Swedes have accepted this treatment as a specific for nearly all diseases, deformities, and weaknesses of the body; for internal complaints, for the lungs, the heart, and the digestive organs.

What if the scientist of the future be destined to discover that the diamond, and it alone, is a specific for cholera, that powdered rubellite cures fever, and the chryso-beryl gout?

They believe that to rub the fat of the tiger on the loins, and to eat a piece of the tongue or flesh, will cure impotency; and tiger fat, rubbed on a painful part of the body, is an accepted specific for rheumatic affections.

There is no specific for the menaces that threaten.

On the contrary, he is assured that there are not one or two but many specifics for the bite of every kind of snake, known to those whose business it is to know them.

"There is a certain medicine called prayer, Mr. Thurnallan old specific for the heart-ache, as you will find one daywhich I have been neglecting much of late, and which I must return to in earnest before midnight.

One set believes in wholesome ways of living, and another must have a great list of specifics for all the soul's complaints.

The Pyrola, named by the Indians Pipsissewa, and regarded by them as a specific for consumption, suspends its pale purple flowers in beautiful umbels, as if to invite the feeble invalid to accept its proffered remedies.

Paine was indignant at this perversion of his favorite specific for all political ailments, and took the Franco-Americans soundly to task:"How dare you put up a petition to Heaven for such a power, without fearing to be struck from the earth by its justice?"

But what is a little strange is, that war should be recommended as a specific for the particular evil of Mammon-worship.

She continued to use and to pay for this specific for a year and a half, and then, finding her neuralgia considerably abated, she came up to London for a week's amusement.

Doctor Richard P. Strong, of the Bureau of Science, made the very important discovery that salvarsan is an absolute specific for it.

It is an infallible specific for men born in February.

L. E. D.This root was first brought into Europe by the Spaniards, about the year 1565, with the character of a specific for the cure of the lues venerea, which made its appearance a little before that time, and likewise of several obstinate chronic disorders.

In tracing the work on Green Lake Mission, I have been thus specific for two reasons.

"A specific for the whooping- cough.

21 examples of  specific for  in sentences