62 examples of swum in sentences

The mariner who had swum from the wreck to the desert shore had not a shred of costume.

A short distance from the hydroplane, one had swum to one side of the plane and the second to the other.

"Not 'less they swum; thar's six dead ones aboard.

Dalzell, in the meantime, had swum back again.

"There he comes," replied Dab: "he'd swum ashore from here, and not half try.

The horses were dripping with sweattheir coats as glossy and wet as if they had swum the river.

They stated they had swum ashore but could or would give no word of the ladies.

The little dog made good its retreat as fast as three legs would carry it; and the surly dog, having swum ashore, retired sulkily, with his tail very much between his legs.

One of the downy yellow dabs had swum two yards away from the others and his mother, after a daddy long-legs which had flown down on to the surface of the water, and had opened its little flat beak to seize it, when there was a whirl in the water, a rush and splash, and two great jaws armed with sharp teeth closed over the duckling, which was visible one moment, gone the next, and Robin drew an arrow out to fit to his bow-string.

The saddle too, as well as the legs, chest, and flanks of the nag, appeared wet and mud-stained, as if some brook had been swum or some deep and muddy river forded, whilst the left shoulder and knee of the rider bore marks which told tales of a fall.

They thought he swum the branch.

The night was so warm that it was like swimming in a bath, and when he had swum a quarter of a mile he turned over on his back to see the moon shining.

When the wagons had all been crossed, the loose stock was swum over into the opening.

But I had swum my horse across the Williamette River and the insignificant John Day, not a fourth as wide, had no terrors for me.

A new and coruscating star has swum into our Parliamentary ken in the shape of the Member for Mid-Herts, and astronomers have labelled it "Pegasus [Greek: pi beta]."

A new star has swum into the Revolutionary firmament, by name Lenin.

Swim, swum or swam, swimming, swum.

Swim, swum or swam, swimming, swum.

"I shall scarcely think you have swum in a gondola.

How far had he swum ere his strength gave out or, with sudden swirl, he was dragged under by the man-eating shark?

In the morning the mules were ferried over, while the oxen were swum across.

Good Trigueiro had faithfully swum alongside him through the rapids, and now himself scrambled ashore.

Doubt it not, he had his own sorrows: those Sonnets of his will even testify expressly in what deep waters he had waded, and swum struggling for his lifeas what man like him ever failed to have to do?

When, an hour before, he had slipped down the side of the ship, he had swum under water as long as his breath held out, and had dived again as soon as he had filled his lungs.

Swam, swum, distinguished, 62.

62 examples of  swum  in sentences