Which preposition to use with cupboards

in Occurrences 50%

Mr. BUMSTEAD stared at him sorrowfully for a moment, and then requested Mrs. SMYTHE to step to a cupboard in the next room and immediately pour him out a bottle of soda-water which she should find there.

for Occurrences 19%

Among these comes the idea of training to service for the community, and the provision of suitable furniture, little chairs and tables, which the children can move about, and low cupboards for materials, all of which tend to independence and self-control.

of Occurrences 13%

" Dorothea had charge of the Bayfield medicine chest, and kept it in a cupboard of the boudoir.

with Occurrences 10%

Book-shelves, and cupboards with glass doors, containing geological and other specimens, occupied much of the wall space; while in the centre of the floor stood a large writing-table, covered with a miscellaneous collection of pens, ink-pots, bundles of papers, and a polished mahogany box which could easily be recognized as a microscope-case.

at Occurrences 9%

She was a grown woman now, and high on the wave of increasing success and celebrity, but she still had a childish misgiving that she had disobeyed her parents and done something very wrong, just as when she had surreptitiously got into the jam cupboard at the age of five.

on Occurrences 7%

" Such a chill ran over it, that it was quite cool when the woman came in, and she put it away in the cupboard on a plate.

under Occurrences 4%

The two cans of water are standing inside the cupboard under the stairs.

by Occurrences 3%

Mr. Travers withdrew into the room and, as the light came nearer, slipped into a big cupboard by the side of the fireplace and, standing bolt upright, waited.

from Occurrences 3%

He looked at the open door of the cupboard from which Paul Alexis had taken his simple disguise, with a large, tolerant humor.

beside Occurrences 2%

'Theer's a cupboard there,' he said suddenly, raising his hand and pointing to the cupboard beside the fireplace.

over Occurrences 2%

After giving a hasty greeting and blessing to the lad, who was charmed to see his tutor, the Father continued the burning of his papers, drawing them from a cupboard over the mantelpiece wall, which Harry had never seen before.

near Occurrences 2%

" And at this stage of his reflections, Mr. Carley opened a cupboard near the fire-place and brought therefrom a case-bottle, from the contents of which he found farther solace.

at Occurrences 1%

Chapel at Westminster AbbeyLivery Cupboards at HengraveHarrison

after Occurrences 1%

She had occupied it from her childhood; and as she opened drawer after drawer, and cupboard after cupboard, and examined their contents, each article recalled some circumstance connected with the past, and brought back a train of long-forgotten emotions.

against Occurrences 1%

The dishes in the cupboard against the wall shook as something heavy met the floor.

behind Occurrences 1%

And a Matron sage is she; From thence oft at Curfew is wafted a fume, She says it is Rosemarie, She says it is Rosemarie; But there's a small cupboard behind the back stair, And the maids say they often see Margery there.

between Occurrences 1%

[Hurriedly and as if misunderstanding him, opens a cupboard between him and the door.

into Occurrences 1%

the major's inscription and the foregoing "accomp." are hollow mockeries to the thirsty traveller, for there is neither rum nor "flyp" to be had; the bar is dry as an old cork; the door of the cupboard into which the jovial Howes were wont to stick the awl with which they opened bottles still hangs, worn completely through by the countless jabs, a melancholy reminder of the convivial hours of other days.

opposite Occurrences 1%

As he cast his drowsy eyes around upon the homely little room, the coarsely-painted frescoes on the wallsthe gaudy cups and plates arranged in a cupboard opposite the bedand on a wax Gesù Bambino, placed in state upon the mantel-piece, surrounded by a flock of blue sheep, browsing on purple grass, he could not at first remember where he was.

out Occurrences 1%

The jar couldn't go in a straight line from the cupboard out of the door; but it certainly did go.

underneath Occurrences 1%

There is a cupboard underneath the stair Where moth and rust hold undisputed sway, And here is hid my old civilian wear, And my wife sits and plays with it all day, Since Peace is imminent and, I'm advised, Even the bard may be demobilised.

without Occurrences 1%

The skipper stepped into the cupboard without further parley, and the girl, turning the key, slipped it into her pocket and sped downstairs.

above Occurrences 1%

"Mugs are in the cupboard above the sink."

Which preposition to use with  cupboards