Which preposition to use with dissimulation

of Occurrences 9%

The wicked Dissimulation of villainous Woman.

in Occurrences 7%

He laid his plans long beforehand; he studied the views and dispositions of all from whose influence he had any thing to hope or fear; and he [Footnote 1: See proofs of his dissimulation in Harris, iii. 93-103; Hutchinson, 313.] employed every expedient to win their affections, to make them the blind unconscious tools of his policy.

on Occurrences 2%

Borgia, who had the reputation of being the closest man of his age, had to deal with a negotiator who, though young, was a match for him, and the account of the mission is very curious; there was deep dissimulation on both sides.

than Occurrences 2%

Here Machiavelli is as vulnerable as Escobar, and Burleigh as well as Oliver Cromwell, who was not more profound in dissimulation than Queen Elizabeth herself.

as Occurrences 1%

He seems to have looked upon dissimulation as the perfection of human wisdom, and to have made it the key-stone of the arch on which he built his fortunes.

with Occurrences 1%

If, amid all his fears, Mr. Buchanan retained any sensibility, he must have been profoundly shocked at the cool dissimulation with which Mr. Cobb, everywhere recognized as a Cabinet officer of great ability, had assisted in committing the Administration to these fatal doctrines and measures, and then abandoned it in the moment of danger.

beyond Occurrences 1%

The life of the place, the constant necessity of masking his aversion to the Spragues, his detestation of Dick, the simple merry-making and intimate amenities of such close quarters, tasked his small art of dissimulation beyond even the most practiced powers.

from Occurrences 1%

The truth of the compliment, as far as I know, had taken dissimulation from my accent.

toward Occurrences 1%

Although it is said by one traveler that the Todas "practice dissimulation toward Europeans, yet he recognizes this as a trait consequent on their intercourse with Europeans.

Which preposition to use with  dissimulation