Which preposition to use with groined

of Occurrences 2%

It may be that it originated from the quadripartite vaulting of the Normans, the segmental groins of which, crossing diagonally, produced to appearance the pointed arch.

with Occurrences 2%

The S. porch has fair groining with a central pendant, and there are some beautiful pierced parapets.

from Occurrences 1%

Hoping to animate these troops by his presence, he rushed onward, and while riding swiftly to the place where they were stationed, he received a wound in the groin from a swivel-shot, and fell from his horse near the abattis.

in Occurrences 1%

I thought that its inside was wholly Norman, and was most agreeably surprised by finding the whole inside groined in every part with excellent late decorated or perpendicular work.

into Occurrences 1%

But she was shocked into a most solemn awe as she pressed the arm of the poor tragic woman who, but for an accident, might have plunged off the end of the groin into water deep enough for drowning.

near Occurrences 1%

I knew there was a groin near here, only it's so long since I was here.

Which preposition to use with  groined