Which preposition to use with creeper

in Occurrences 6%

They clung around our legs like live things, and I damned the Professor's idiotic craving for notoriety as we waded through the clammy creepers in search of the trail made by the party.

on Occurrences 5%

Logotheti was too wise to watch his intended victim, and leaned back in a careless attitude, gazing out of the window at the bright creeper on the opposite wall.

of Occurrences 5%

Great trees of wondrous dimensions and strange foliage rear their stately heads to heaven, and are matted and entwined together by creepers of huge size and tenacious hold.

with Occurrences 5%

The exact tints of silver and gold were frequent and especially favoured, At each corner of every garden was a hollow silvery pillar, up which creepers with flowers of marvellous size and beauty, and foliage of hues almost as striking as those of the flowers, were conducted to form a perfect arch overhead, parting off the gardens from the walks.

into Occurrences 2%

' 'Say what you will, I am convinced the man who is to awaken the drama must be a bold, trampling fellowno creeper into worm-holesno reviver evenhowever good.

to Occurrences 1%

Overgrown with creepers to the very chimneys, divided by the greenest and most velvety of lawns from a many-coloured furnace of flower-beds, scarcely parted by lush paddocks from the intense green wall of the coppiced hill, the Wakes has always retained for my memory an impression of rural fecundity and summer glow absolutely unequalled.

towards Occurrences 1%

In a second three rats had projected themselves from the dark tangle of the creeper towards Cossar.

underneath Occurrences 1%

Ali had scarcely gone a hundred yards through cactus and creeper underneath the palms when he came to the golden shrine that nothing guards except the deeps of the forest, and found the Diamond Idol.

like Occurrences 1%

From these hung down great masses of trailing vines and spreading creepers like long, lean, hairy arms stretched out to bar their way.

against Occurrences 1%

Soon it grew dark, and we strode on up hill and down dale, at one time for a mile or more through burnt forest, with its ghastly spider-work of leafless decaying branches and creepers against the moonlit skya sad sight: but music enough we had to cheer us on our way.

by Occurrences 1%

Obed was hoping that by suddenly issuing forth they might take the creeper by surprise, and effect his capture; such a possibility apparently gave the woods boy considerable pleasure even in the anticipation.

for Occurrences 1%

This is a beautiful creeper for a south or west aspect.

after Occurrences 1%

I was just as tired of the wormlike attitude that we were compelled to adopt, and I waited beside Holman while the Fijian slipped away through the creepers after warning us by many eloquent signals that one of the search party was creeping toward us.

Which preposition to use with  creeper