Which preposition to use with parachute

by Occurrences 2%

"The time-honored story of Solomon's carpet on which he mounted and was wafted away to any place, with his retinue, had a good deal of foundation in fact; for Solomon was an exceedingly ingenious man, and not only constructed parachutes by which people could safely descend from great heights, but he made some attempts in the direction of ballooning.

to Occurrences 2%

Parachute to Berlin.

from Occurrences 1%

Suddenly, over the desolate ground to the west, we see a man hovering in mid-air, descending on a parachute from a captive balloon that seems to have suffered mishap.

of Occurrences 1%

I had just received from the front, by post, the silk parachute of a fusée volante, on which was written: "A Miss Mildred Aldrich Ramassé sur le champ de bataille à 20 metres des lignes Boches.

with Occurrences 1%

All its endeavors, therefore, were unsuccessful, though made without doing itself any hurtthanks to the parachute with which Nature had provided it.

Which preposition to use with  parachute